Page 9 - Towards A Sustainable Future, Phase 2 2024
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                                                         PHASE 2

                                              EXECUTIVE SUMMARY


            The second round of the ‘Towards a Sustainable Future:  In  Of the fifteen SMEs that took part in an environmental
            Support of the Singapore Green Plan 2030’ was initiated in  review of their business operations in the first phase of the
            2023 and was built upon the success of the initial project  project, all SMEs, without exception, have managed to cut
            round of 2020-2022, in which a total of fifteen small and  their carbon emissions and save business operational costs.
            medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) companies participated.  Furthermore, the students and staff of ITE gained valuable
            For  the  second  round,  twenty  SMES  participated  in  the  knowledge and training, and showed exceptional skill and
            project.                                             innovation in achieving a sustainable outcome for each SME.

            The project’s fundamental goal is to train and empower  The  success  of  the  ‘Triple-Win  Formula’  depends  on  the
            youth to assist SMEs in enhancing their environmental  application of an  ‘input-process-output’ model to the
            performance, improving the sustainability of their  SME, where each aspect of the business is evaluated to
            business operations, and cutting carbon emissions.  With  understand its interaction and potential impact on the
            the  support  of  HSBC  Singapore  to  meet  these  goals,  the  environment in terms of the raw materials used (inputs); how
            Institute of Technical Education (ITE) formed Environmental  these raw materials are used to manufacture products and/
            Sustainability Initiative (ESI) teams comprising students and  or provide services (process), and; how waste is generated
            lecturers to work with our SME partners.             from the business (atmospheric, water and solid wastes). By
                                                                 assigning a ‘carbon-tag’ to each of these aspects, it is possible
            Prof Jeff Obbard, the NYAA Climate Change Advisor, built  to determine the carbon footprint of the SME. By identifying
            upon the successful outcome of the first rphase of the  and  applying  innovative  solutions  to  improve  operational
            project to further develop and refine his ‘Triple Win Formula  efficiency and cut carbon emissions, the staff and students at
            ‘for application in the 2nd phase of the project. The three  ITE were able to implement enhancements to the business
            wins of the formula are focused on: 1) cutting the carbon  to cut consumption (inputs) and waste (outputs) with
            emissions of an SME; 2) cutting SME business operational  equivalent carbon emission savings. In turn, this approach
            costs via improvements in its business operational efficiency;  helps the SME to identify and quantify its carbon emissions
            and 3) training and empowering students to conduct an  within  the  increasing  regulatory  framework  relating  to
            environmental review of the SME business operations.   sustainability reporting in terms of Scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon

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