Page 34 - HSBC NYAA Youth for the Environment 25th Anniversary
P. 34

Jamie Goh Xue Min

            Before  2013,  Jamie  Goh  Xue  Min's  passion  for
            environmental  sustainability  was  already  evident.
            As  Chairperson  of  Ngee  Ann  Polytechnic's  Green
            Volunteer Interest Group, she laid the groundwork for
            impactful environmental initiatives, building a network
            of  volunteers  committed  to  promoting  environmental
            awareness. She led projects such as waste recycling in
            the heartlands, collecting over 2,050 kg of recyclables
            through a pilot project funded by Sembcorp. These early
            efforts  culminated  in  recognising  her  leadership  and
            growing influence in environmental circles.

            2013  was  a  pivotal  year  as  Jamie's  environmental
            journey  gained  momentum.  She  began  collaborating                 Jamie Goh Xue Min
            closely  with  PUB,  Singapore's  National  Water  Agency,     Engineer in the Water Reclamation
            on  water  education.  She  led  green  volunteers  during        (Network) Department, PUB
            the launch of PUB's Active, Beautiful, and Clean Waters
            (ABC Waters) outdoor classroom at Sungei Ulu Pandan,   she received the 2014 HSBC NYAA Youth Environmental
            where  she  guided  learning  trails  for  distinguished   Award with a fully sponsored climate change expedition
            guests,  including  Ministers  and  PUB  executives.  Her   to the Arctic Edge, Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. There,
            team also developed an outdoor Laboratory Enrichment   together  with three  other  recipients,  Jamie  assisted
            Programme  to  underscore  the  importance  of  water   scientists  in  measuring  environmental  responses  to
            resources. In 2014, Jamie also orchestrated a "Toy Story"-  climate change and experienced firsthand the retreating
            themed  toy  recycling  showcase  during  Keppel  Club's   glaciers  and  melting  polar  ice  caps,  reinforcing  her
            Earth Week, which earned her and her team recognition   commitment to climate action.
            as Keppel Club Green Ambassadors. She also organised
            eco-adventure  journeys  to  places  like  Malaysia  and   After  her  Arctic  expedition,  Jamie  spent  four  years
            South  Korea,  deepening  her  team's  understanding  of   in  the  UK  pursuing  higher  education.  She  obtained  a
            environmental  conservation.  Her  hands-on  leadership   BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering and an MSc in Water
            extended to constructing DIY floating wetlands in West   and  Wastewater  Engineering,  where  she  observed
            Malaysian schools, fostering ecological education in the   the  shift  in  water  utilities  toward  decarbonisation
            region.                                              and  sustainability.  Inspired  by  these  developments,
                                                                 Jamie  joined  PUB  as  an  engineer  in  2019,  where  she
            In recognition of her outstanding achievements, Jamie   now works on Singapore's water sustainability efforts.
            was  awarded  the  Ngee  Ann  Polytechnic  Overseas   Her  work  ensures  that the public  sewerage  network
                                                                 supports  developments sustainably  and  that used
            Merit  Fellowship,  which  included  a  study  programme   water  discharge  meets rigorous standards for  water
            in  Copenhagen,  Denmark.  Her  leadership  and      recycling, contributing to Singapore's integrated water
            environmental  advocacy  were further  validated  when   management system and public health.

                                                                 Jamie's journey reflects her continuous drive to protect
                                                                 the  environment,  making  significant  strides  in  water
                                                                 sustainability and climate change awareness.

            32       The Journey of Sustainability: 25 Years and Beyond
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