Page 3 - RFQ 01-2020 MHRA Warrenstreet Qualifications Statement
P. 3

Managing Health & Wellness During a Pandemic

                                                       As  the  world  continues  to  navigate  impacts  of  COVID‐19,
                                                       Warrenstreet remains committed to doing our part to help
                                                       slow the spread of the virus and keeping the health and well‐
                                                       being of our staff, clients and communities, our top priority.
                                                       Since early March, our staff have been working remotely with
                                                       great success and attitudes that continue to support a culture
                                                       of flexibility, innovation, and ability to support and adapt to
                                                       everchanging marketplace conditions.  While we all yearn to
                                                       “return to normal”, the question remains ‐ what will our new
                                                       normal as a society and partners of the A/E/C industry look
                like in the weeks, months, and years ahead?  Plans to ready existing buildings and facilities of all types
                for the safe return of users are regularly being discussed, evaluated, and prepared for.  We continue to
                monitor new information and guidelines published by the Centers for Disease Control, the World Health
                Organization and other Local and State Authorities entrusted to protect, safeguard and guide our efforts
                as we return to our daily lives and plan for the future.

                With 30 years‐experience working in a variety of industry environments including extensive healthcare
                and medical field work, our knowledge of incorporating sterile healthcare design practices and ensuring
                occupant  safety  within  any  environment  is  always  at  the  forefront  of  our  designs  and  services.
                Warrenstreet will continue to be a resource to assist those in need in determining what is appropriate
                for your space and environmental systems to keep the people who occupy your buildings safe.  There is
                no “one size fits all” answer to address the unique needs and varied impacts of the COVID‐19 pandemic,
                but working together we are confident in our abilities to assist you in shaping the safeguard solutions
                you seek and deserve.

                As  we  move  forward  collectively,  some  small  suggestions  for  consideration  of  current  or  future
                modifications to further promote environments of health and wellness include:

                      Expanding and Supporting Remote Business Culture Practices

                      Minimizing Areas of Direct Contact Through Use of Hands‐Free Sensors
                       for Toilets, Lavatories and Urinals

                      Review and Consideration of Ongoing Improvements in UV Technologies

                      Monitoring of Occupant Circulation and Movement Patterns and Reduction of
                       Points of Interaction

                      Increased Ventilation and Filtration, Minimizing Mixed Airstreams &
                       Sensor Installation to Monitor Air Quality

                      Reduction or Disablement of Demand Controls and Extend AHU Operations
                       for Shift Occupancies

                      Review and Consideration of Space Humidification Options

                      Regular Sanitation of all Equipment, Surfaces, Communal Spaces and Workstations

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