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Rugby continues to unite South Africa
It is truly amazing how sports have the ability to unite a nation. Rugby has certainly had a massive
impact on South Africa. In 1995 S.A hosted and won the rugby world cup which united people from
all races. (History, 2009) . In 2019 the country had a massive increase in the crime rate and rape
going on in South Africa which lead to a lot of striking and protest in the country. The country
needed a since of hope and joy and that’s exactly what rugby brought to our citizens. Winning the
world cup in 2019 was crucial to unite our nation again. Winning the world cup proved to our
country that we can be achieve anything if we came together and worked hard.
SA rugby player dedicating his try to Uyinene
Initially in 1884-1992 S.A rugby was banned from international rugby fixtures due to the apartheid
laws. In 1992 S.A rugby had the first inauguration (Rugby in South Africa | Brand South Africa, 2010)
.In 1993 first black rugby player was chosen (Chester Morne Williams) (South Africa legend Williams
dies at 49, 2021). Then in 1994 our country had the first democratic election. S.A then hosted the
rugby world cup in 1995 and it brings joy to all races and basically is an occasion to unite all races