Page 14 - Trnsportation E-Book for 4th Grade
P. 14


                                      English  e-book  for  grade  4th  regarding  transportation  is

                                      discussing about the transportation material. Transportation

                                      is a tool/device that is usually used by humans to go or move

                                      from one place to another or to transport and move goods to

                                      the destination. There are three types of transportation. The

                                      first  is  land  transportation,  second  is  water  transportation,

                                      and the third is air transportation.

                                      With  this  book,  it  is  hoped  that  it  can  help  students  in

                                      learning  process  to  achieve  the  learning  objectives.  This  e-

                                      book can make students become independent in learning the

                                      material without the help of the teacher.

          I gusti ngurah canadta sakti pramana

    Born  in  Denpasar  on  August  18th,  2001.  Completed  his

    basic education at SDN 5 Padang Sambian, and continued

    his  education  at  SMPN  2  Denpasar  and  SMA  PGRI  2

    Denpasar.  Now,  He  study  at  Ganesha  University  of

    Education,  Faculty  of  Language  and  Art,  and  taking  the

    English Language Education study program.

                             ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION

                             FACULTY OF LANGUAGE AND ART

                             GANESHA UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION
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