Page 2 - Trnsportation E-Book for 4th Grade
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                         All Praise and Gratitude I always pray to God Almighty for the Grace given, the
                  author can complete this e-book teaching material for English material "Transportation"
                  for class IV. The purpose of writing this book is none other than to assist students in
                  understanding the transportation material that they must learn and understand while they
                  are in grade IV.
                         Another purpose of making this e-book is to fulfill the assignment given by Mr.
                  Alexander  Hamonangan  Simamora,  S.E.,  M.Pd.  as  a  lecturer  of  the  “Pengembangan
                  Bahan  Ajar”  Course.  This  e-book  will  also  provide  complete  information  about  the
                  transportation materials that they will learn from various reliable sources which are useful
                  as additional insights about the chapters being studied.

                         The author is aware that the writing of this e-book is not the result of his hard
                  work. There are many parties who have contributed to assist the author in completing this
                  e-book, such as data collection, material selection, questions, and others. Therefore, the
                  author would like to thank all parties who have helped provide insight and guidance to
                  the author before and when writing this e-book.

                         The author is also aware that the e-book that the author has created cannot be said
                  to be perfect. Therefore, the author asks for support and input from readers, so that in the
                  future we can be even better at writing an e-book.

                                                                         Singaraja, December 19 , 2022

                                                                  I Gusti Ngurah Canadta Sakti Pramana

                                                        English E-Book for 4  Grade| Transportation       i
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