Page 26 - The Angora News - August 2021
P. 26

 Any updates or changes must be sent to ARBA.
See Article V, Section 4 of the ByLaws that representsyour committee.
Duties of the Elections/Voting Chairperson
It is the responsibility of the Election/Voting Chairpersonto manage the notification and voting of the Officersand Directors of NARBC.
The Election/Voting Chairperson shall submit to theNewsletter Editor a ‘Call for Resumes’no later thanthe December 1stdeadline of theAngora News.
All resumes are to be mailed to the Elections/VotingChairperson. No e-mail resumes will be acceptedas official notification of seeking an office and/or director.To assist the Election/Voting Chairperson from
re-typing the resumes to be sent to the NewsletterEditor, they may request a copy be sent via e-mailfor such purpose after receiving a copy via mail.
Once the resumes are received the Election/VotingChairperson will contact the NARBC Secretary to verifythe person seeking election has paid their membershipdues through the term of the office and/or director.If the person seeking election has not paid their dues through theterm, the Secretary will contact the member and advisethem their resume will not be rejected due to dues notbeing paid through the term of office they are seeking.
The Election/Voting Chairperson will send the resumesto the Newsletter Editorno later than the March1stdeadline.
The Election/Voting Chairperson will design a ballot(a sample ballot is attached) and furnish a copyto the President and Secretary for approval prior to printing. TheSecretary is responsible for contacting the printerregarding the printing and mailing of the ballots.The ballotsare to be distributed to the NARBC active membersby May 15thof each year.Only ballots postmarked by June 5thareto be accepted, unless an extension is authorizedby the Executive Committee. Notify the President and Secretaryof any invalid ballots. Have a committee verifythe
ballots, count the votes and tabulate the results.Committee members are to be non-related to thoserunning for a position. Notify the President and Secretary of theelection results. The President is to notify thecandidates regarding the election results. The Election/VotingCommittee Chair is to submit the election resultsto theAngora Newsfor publication by the August 1stdeadline.
As the ballots are received the envelope with thepostmark should be attached to the ballot. Once theballots are received, it is best to allow about a week after thepostmark deadline, the Election Chairperson alongwith at least one other person will verify the membership and countthe ballots. (Note: These are NARBC members notrelated to the candidates). Any ballots received after thepostmark deadline will not be counted, persons whohave not included their NARBC membership number or memberswho have an incorrect membership number on the ballot will not be counted.
All adult members may vote for Officers, however,ballots may only be counted from members who livein the district for the Director seeking election.
The Election/Voting Chairperson may not campaign forany member seeking an office. See Article V, Section 6 of the ByLaws that representsyour committee.

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