Page 24 - The Angora News - August 2021
P. 24

 Paypal Account:
Margaret contacted Paypal and we have to send a letterregarding a resolution that Laurie Penterman will now have access to the Paypal account. Jackmoved Laurie Penterman be given the authority to be the Paypal account for NARBC. Margaret asked if themotion could say Paypal and all other necessary accounts. Jack said he was fine with the amendment.June asked if this would include the bank. Response was it would. Margaret seconded the motion.All in favor.
Angora News Editor:
Margaret thinks it is best to have someone else doit. Jack moved to appoint Nichole Wilson as the Newsletter Editor of Angora News effective August1, 2021. Robin seconded the motion. Motion carried-all in favor.
Policies and Procedures Review:
TheStandingCommitteesofNARBC,Inc.shallbe:Audit;Boutique,Budget;By-Laws;Election/Voting;Fiber; Internet;Membership;Newsletter;Publicity;ShowAdvisory;ShowRules;Standards,ResearchandDevelopment; and Youth.
MembersoftheCommitteesmustbeactivemembersofNARBC,Inc.andthecommitteeshallconsistofanodd number of members on the committee except the AuditCommittee, which may have any number of members.
CommitteeChairpersonswillbeappointedbythePresident.Theyaretohavetheirnamesandemailaddresses printedineachnewsletter.TheCommitteeChairpersonistogivetheBoardofDirectorsanycommentsand/or suggestionsfromthemembersoftheCommittees.TheChairpersonistoprovideprogressreportsofthecommittee to the President. Any member interested in servingon a Standing Committee is to contact the President.
The President has the authority to replace vacanciesof any Committee Chairperson or Committee members. See Article V, Section 1 of the ByLaws that representsyour committee.
The Audit Chairperson heads the Audit Committee.The Audit Committee should: 1.Consist of at least 2 members in good standing.
2.It should be a person(s) that is familiar with reading/understandingfinancial statements. 3.The audit report is to be filed annually at the annualmeeting and in the next issues of the
Angora Newsletter.
The Audit Committee ensures the organization preparesaccurate financial statements and exercises responsible financial management, maintainscompliance with laws and regulations, and manages operating risks effectively are criticaltasks for every audit committee member.
Review of financial policies and procedures. The auditcommittee is concerned with things like
integrity, governance, internal control, and compliance.Reviewing financial policies and procedures helps ensure the organization is meetingobjectives. Key policies should include conflicts of interest, whistleblower, financial controls,and record retention.

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