Page 23 - The Angora News - August 2021
P. 23
ARBA Updates for the Standard of Perfection:
Lynn got an email from Betty asking if all of theupdates were in the new Standard of Perfection. Lynn and Margaret got all of the information together.Lynn contacted Eric regarding the issue. ARBA isdoing some major renovation so Eric will review and workwith Lynn to write a letter to Betty regarding the approved ARBA changes to the Angora color guide.
20-21 ARBA Convention:
Two years ago we did not have a Board meeting dueto many things going on. Lynn asked if we can have a meeting prior to convention. There is nothing thatsays we have to have a Board meeting at convention. The Board agreed to have it prior toconvention.
Lynn proposed the General Membership meeting be Mondaymorning at 8:00 a.m. in the grooming room.
Nichole and Lynn have looked at banquet facilitiesand it looks like the Old Spaghetti Factory willbe a good choice. We do have to not do it on the samenight as the ARBA banquet. Lynn proposes we schedule the banquet for Tuesday evening.
ARBA Convention list of judges:
Nate Burbridge has declined judging the 2021 convention.Tom Schweikart is confirmed. The next person on the list is Robert Frizzel. Jack movedto contact Robert Frizzel and if Robert Frizzel is unavailable we contact the 2020 list and contact StacyEaton Martin. Robin second the motion. Motion carried.
2021 ARBA Convention Status:
Eric Stewart commended us on not hosting the W/S/Gcontest. He thought it was reasonable for this year and also stated USDA is always seeing how peoplepolice themselves and Eric thought this was a good move. Eric will let them know we have suspendedthe W/S/G contest due to RHDV2. Eric also wanted to know the ARBA Convention is a go. Jackasked about the health certificates. Lynn said Kentucky is not requiring health certificates.
Tammy asked if the order of judging the rabbits canresort to the judging order. Tammy was asked by members of her District. Casey suggested to let themknow we had no control over last year so we are moving forward as planned. Let them know we are havingtwo judges so in reality they will be second.
2023 National Show bids:
Deadline for bids-Michigan Angora Club and Kelly JoYounggreen is getting a group to host a National Specialty Show. Lynn asked when the host club isnormally selected. Margaret indicated it was usually due at convention and the Board selected the hostclub at the Board meeting. Since we are not havinga Board meeting at convention it was suggested to havethe deadline October 1stto give the Board time to review and make a selection prior to convention.Then the host club could be announced at convention.
Margaret stated we have a company that does the website.Casey moved the Secretary send the IT company any changes for the website. Jack secondthe motion. Any discussion? With no discussion the motion carried.