Page 22 - The Angora News - August 2021
P. 22

 Board Meeting Minutes
The Board of Directors met on June 24, 2021 via telephoneconference at 6:04 p.m. Board members present: Lynn Galbraith-Wilson, Margaret Brown, JuneAbbott, Robin Olsen, Casey Jones, Tammy Vaughn, and Jack Bailey. Laurie Penterman was theguest to learn more about her position as Secretary.
The minutes of the April 29, 2021 meeting were sentto the Board members. These minutes were taken by Jack Bailey due to the Secretary’s absence. Robinmoved the minutes be approved and seconded by June. All members present voted in favor of the minutes.
Treasurer’s Report:
The balance in the checking account is $2,454.85.Savings account $17003.96. There is really nothing else to report as June sent out the report on theARBA awards. Jack asked about the Hall of Fame Award, is the $523.88 is that high due to what wasspent on the permanent award? June replied it was.
W/S/G Sweepstakes:
Tammy said she has finished the report. Lynn askedif she would be able to send that so it could be published in the newsletter and up on the website?Tammy replied yes. Lynn asked her to send the final version to the Board members to review at the Julymeeting.
Rabbit Sweepstakes:
Robin stated she is getting a lot of reports in andhave until the end of July. There are not many shows sanctioned in July. Trying to get awards lined up.
Lynn stated the reason the W/S/G contest is completedfor this year was due to the suspension of the W/S/G contest due to RHDV2 until we have better informationabout RHDV2. Just want to make sure we are not spreading RHDV2 with our W/S/G contest.
Robin brought up issues with sanctions being purchasedand then retracting them. After much discussion the Board concluded there was not anythingthe NARBC Board can do with this situation. June suggested Kathryn Greenwood be contacted regardingthis situation. Lynn will draft a letter to send. Casey stated she doesn’t think we need to getinvolved at all. Lynn asked for a motion regarding the situation. No proposed motion was given.
Election Ballots:
Lynn spoke with the recipients of positions on theballot. Ballot results: Marcus Rhoden-VP; Laurie Penterman-Secretary; Casey Jones-District 4. ChloeMichall is going to be the Youth Director.
There was a ties for District 2. Lynn sent an I-messageto Lauren Cody and Robin regarding the District 2 position as it was a tie. Margaret sent the job dutiesto them. Lauren did not run for the position, she was a write-in. After reading the duties Lauren decidednot to do the position. Therefore Robin will be the District 2 Representative.
All of the By-Laws passed. Lynn is going to updatesthe By-Laws and send to Eric and Margaret.

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