Page 50 - The Angora News - August 2021
P. 50

District 2 Director: Robin Olson
 Linda Cassella Memorial Scholarship Fund
The scholarship application can be found in this issue of the Angora News & on the NARBC website.
 05 EGAP
dnuF pihsralohcS lairomeM allessaC adniL rof namriahC-oC nedohR sucraM snoyL ennovY noslO niboR
.stnemhsilpmocca rieht rof dezingocer eb ot evresed ohw elpoep gnuoy eht drawa dna hgih seulav reh dloh ot ronoh na ti redisnoc nedohR sucraM dna snoyL ennovY ,flesym ,eettimmoc siht fo namriahc-oc sA .nrael dluohs nosrep gnuoy yreve taht gnorts yrev tlef adniL ,traeh dna cihte krow rof noitingocer fo drawa na si tI .ybboh rieht ni dna yllacimedaca
htob drah dekrow sah ohw tnacilppa na drawa ot deticxe si dnuF pihsralohcS lairomeM allessaC adniL ehT
.moc.liamg@yrtibbarsttubyzzuf ,noslO niboR liame ot ht51 rebmetpeS yb dettimbus eb ot deen snoitacilppa ruoy rebmemeR .sraey egelloc ruoy gninnigeb ro egelloc ot nruter ruoy rehtie rof gniraperp dna ,llew era uoy fo lla epoH !olleH
.revo lla morf niaga sdneirf ruo ees ot taerg eb lliw tI .pleh ot ekil dluow uoy erehw ees ot nosliW-htiarblaG nnyL ro flesym tcatnoc esaelp oS .CBRAN yb detsoh eb lliw siht sa sreetnulov deen eW !ykcutneK ellivsiuoL ni noitnevnoC ABRA 1202 eht ot drawrof gnikool era su fo tol A
.CBRAN rof saera tnereffid eht troppus ot yenom fo tnuoma taerg a ni thguorb hcihw ,noitcua tnelis eht rof reve snoitanod tsom eht dah eW .ti dekcor ew dna krow fo tol a si slanoitan a no gnittuP .rettelswen eht ni dedulcni era stluser lluF .srotitepmoc yppah htiw wohs lufsseccus a saw tI .lirpA ni ellivxonK ni slanoitaN CBRAN gnitsoh htiw gnirps lufsseccus dna ysub a dah eW
.erus rof nrecnoc tsomtu eht fo si ytirucesoiB .etadpu siht fo etad ot teiuq neeb sah ti yllufknahT .tneve detalosi na ni remmus eht ni reilrae daeh ylgu sti deraer 2-VDHR .erus rof seinnub yppah ot yek eht si elbatrofmoc sdneirf loow ruo gnipeeK .htuos eht ni ereh toh neeb sah tI .eno taerg a neeb sah remmus ruoy epoH !enoyreve olleH
!snoitacilppa eht gniees ot drawrof kooL
noslO niboR !selbat eht ta uoy eeS

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