Page 16 - FWWPMF 2022 Program Book
P. 16
In loving memory of Daniel Fogleman - Event Co-founder and friend - From Board of Directors and Family
Matthew and Maureen Rager
In honor of Ross Uhler from Jay Uhler
Quigley Baum Post #72 Sons of the American Legion
Jerry and Marie Goebel
Steve and Sandy Kelley
Creter Renovations, in honor of brother Steve
In honor of Arthur Kreiser, WWII Vet American Legion Auxiliary Post 72
Quigley Baum Post #72
Bruce F. Rambler, U.S. Air Force, Korean Conflict
In honor of Cpt. Ryan R. Snyder, from Mom and Dad
Charles Hartzell, WWI, WWII, Korea In honor of SGT Glen Lehman Blaine W. Dillen, USMC, Vietnam John M. Bell, U.S. Army, Vietnam Gary L Brown, Vietnam 67'-69' Zimmie
For my Father, Harold S. Shade, U.S. Navy WWII
In honor of Stephen D. Fogleman from Family
In honor of Miles E. Fogleman from Family
Bruce Fogleman, U.S. Navy, from Mary and Family
Hoover Funeral Home Hershey/ Linglestown
In honor of Wounded Warriors, Annville Sons of the American Legion Squad 559
In memory of Richard A. Labe, U.S. Navy from Ralph Binkley Jr.
In honor of Lloyd S. Mann, Brian S. Mann, and Charles W. Smith