Page 17 - FWWPMF 2022 Program Book
P. 17

 For all those who have served past and present. Thank you!!!
Al Gerberich, U.S.A.F
In honor of Barry Herr, Vietnam Era 66-68
Steve McDowell and Crystal Kevin Jones
Woody and Alma Finsterbush Robert L Eckert Post 831 Sons of the
American Legion
Lebanon County Builders Association Ameriprise Financial, Jay G. Green PFC Harold J Goodman, WWII Joe and Deb Locklear
Kline Brothers, INC.
In Memory of Russell R. Gingrich,
U.S. Navy, WWII
In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Reith from Barry and Laurie Reith
The Vitale Family
Robert L Eckert American Legion Riders Post 831
In honor of Herb Fogleman Jr., USMC, Beirut Lebanon Peace Keeping Force
Barry, Patricia, and Kimberly Gibson Salute to those that Serve
In Honor of Edgar V. Berkhimer, U.S. Army
In Honor of Michael Doyle Deimler, U.S. Army
Brush Strokes on Canvas
In honor of Jim Bowers, U.S Army Ken Apperson
In Memory of SGT Justin "Robi"
Robinson, OIF
Conner Streicher American Legion Post 559, Annville PA
Steve Kelley
In honor of all Night Stalkers. Especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice
Campbelltown American Legion, Robert L. Eckert Post 831
Bernie and Betty Goebel
In Memory of Harold Buller Sr., WWII In honor of those who served
In memory of our relatives who
In memory of William A.Strohm, US Army Retired
Dedicated to all who served, past and present, in the military of the U.S.A
To my parents who met in the Army during WWII at the Presidio
Memorial to Paul R. Bucher
To my Grandson's 24 years of service - Eric R. Bucher
To our son Tony Miller from Mom and Dad, Desert Storm
To our son Stephen Miller from Mom and Dad, Desert Storm
God Bless you and Wishing you Fair Winds and Following Seas
To my father Paul B. Kline, Asia- Pacific Theatre 43-45
In Memory of Uncle Joe Pavone from nephews Greg and Keith Hoover
For our father, Bruce David Houtz, who served in Vietnam - May you know the peace in death that you never knew in life.
Lynwood Yohn, U.S. Navy
In honor of Lloyd "Butch" Weaber, US Amry, Vietnam
In memory of WWII Bronze Star and Purple Heart Vets Harry Risser and Clyde Grubb
Jared M Shireman, PA Army National Guard
In Memory of PFC John F. Giblin, Korea, 1954-1956
Annville Legion Riders Post 559: For all those who served past, present and future we ride for you
Kevin Murray: To all my Aunts, Uncles, Brothers,and Father who served
In Loving Memory of Glenn Wikel Sr.
In Loving Memory of Domenica “Maggie” Harris
In Memory of Josiah R. Haldeman, 401 Glider Inf., 82nd Abn Div.; KIA 01/06/45 Belgium
We salute the Wounded Warriors and Fallen Heroes who have so bravely given it all for our freedoms
In honor of Lloyd Boyer, USAF and In memory of Oscar Lineaweaver
John Hetzel Stewart "Always on my mind, I love you Daddy" Semper Fi
In memory of PFC Richard S. Singer, U.S Army Air Corps
In memory of Ssgt. Irvin (Sonny) G. Snyder, U.S Army
In honor of Jay R. Lehman, U.S.A.F 1956-1960 - Love you Dad -Sharon
In honor of Shawn & Sonya McCauley- Cook for their service
Thank you for your service - Denise & George Maue
Hot Rods 2 Hell - In memory of Doug Weaterholtz
In honor of Sam Mohler - dedicated volunteer
In loving memory of Barry Fogleman from his wife and daughter
In loving memory of MSG Michael P. Smith, Jr - Love Holly Smith
In loving memory of ABF2 Donald P. Blandford - Love Vicki
In loving memory Joe Stretch II and Joe Stretch III - Go Be Great!
In loving memory of MSG James C. Krouse - KIA 1967 Vietnam & MSG Kevin J. Krouse, USAF
In honor of Tech 4 Robert Patton - WWII
In Loving Memory of CW3(R) Elwood "Woody" Fogleman, Army CID, We miss you every day - Love Loree and family

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