Page 10 - La Torre – ACEC/PA Proposal
P. 10

Public/Media Relations
La Torre will put our extensive media contacts in Pennsylvania to work to raise ACEC/PA’s profile in new and exciting ways, including:
• Press releases: We can work with the association leadership or local members in target media markets to generate awareness for important news developments, including Harrisburg testimony, industry success stories, or awareness events.
• Letters to the Editor/Op-Eds: We will assist with the composition of pieces and placement in Pennsylvania newspapers and online. These would focus on association news developments, thanking legislators for support, or even important charity work. Typically, these would be authored for the association’s president or board members.
• TV/Radio: We will identify news stories to attract TV/radio in key media markets. This can be done through press releases, press conferences, and member events.
• Media Training: La Torre provides training to key company officials to ensure they can handle a variety of media interviews on topics of interest.

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