Page 6 - La Torre – ACEC/PA Proposal
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PR has changed dramatically in the 21st century. Today, it is a full-menu, widely diverse discipline that requires constant attention: Traditional media, social media, event planning, B2B and public marketing are just a few of the tactics being employed.
 Leaders need to ask themselves five basic questions:
• Can our communications staff pick up the phone and get an
important story placed?
• What’s our social media strategy if a crisis hits?
• Do we have a crisis communications plan?
• Is our marketing campaign backed by thorough research and
focus group feedback?
• Can we write a simple release?
The last question is indeed a simple one — but in our experience many companies can not. Some of our region’s largest companies haven’t issued a press release in decades, so it’s fair to assume they have other needs that aren’t being met because they don’t even know what those needs are.
“Everyone has a lawyer. Everyone hires a lobbyist when they need one. Yet everyone thinks they can do their own PR.”
– La Torre Communications Principle David La Torre
La Torre Communications is introducing a new product, PREmbed®, to help
companies and organizations conduct a deep dive on their communications infrastructure.
La Torre will embed its team with the company/organization to conduct a full assessment. PREmbed® will focus on external and internal communications. Internal is perhaps the most often overlooked. La Torre will look at the quality of how leadership communicates with each other, their direct reports, and the entire team.
Our final PREmbed® report will provide a thorough review of current operations, including a checklist of items that each communications department should possess, and conclude our report with list of detailed recommendations to ensure your company truly has 21st century operation.
Contact us today and learn more about how PREmbed® can help!

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