Page 161 - JAPN1002
P. 161

2 〜ゅ: ‘to’ interactive target
Use ゅ for “interactive targets.” The interactive target is usually a person who is the recipient of the action. The to-phrases in the following English sentences are examples of interactive targets.
1. I wrote a letter to my friend.
2. I showed a picture from Japan to my American friend. 3. John said “good morning” to his teacher.
4. Mary asked a question to her teacher.
The corresponding Japanese sentences are:
5. ≧私ら∞友ぺほゅ手紙オ書ぞべ〜
6. ≧私ら∞日本よ写真オズΓッ人ゅ見ふべ〜
7. ベΜはカら先生ゅ£つらTMだのばぞび%も言ぽべ〜 8. ョデはカら先生ゅ質問オぱべ〜
Be careful, however, ゅ and English preposition to do not always correspond to each other. The particle ゅ is used in the following despite the fact that the corresponding English sentences do not contain to.
9. ΘハΜΜめ友ぺほゅ廻ぽべ〜 どだねだ
(c.f. 空港めヨΒΓ【オ見べ〜 10. 先生ゅ聞ぞべ〜
11. ズΔユゼ先ゅイカァどぱべ〜 づぜ
12. つ母はカゅ電話オづにべ〜
On the other hand, the particle ゅ is not used in the following.
13. 先生よ話オ聞ぞべ〜 I listened to the teacher’s talk.
14. 図書丸めツ【ΔルΕΜオ待ぽべ〜 I waited for my girlfriend at the library. 15. ツフΓΜパプΜめ道オ聞でぱだ〜Let’s ask for a direction at the gas station.
I met my friend in Washington.
I saw Hilary Clinton at the airport.)
I asked my teacher.
I contacted the place of part-time job.
I called my mother.
Lesson 12C Page 382

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