Page 171 - Demo
P. 171
3 ×べァぞぞめびづ...×べァぞぞめびTM...×べァゃだめびづ You can use ×べァぞぞめびづ for asking for suggestions such as below:
1. ゃだぱべァぞぞめびづ~
2. 可オ買ぽべァぞぞめびづ~ 3. ゃねを行ぽべァぞぞめびづ~ 4. 誰ゅ聞ぞべァぞぞめびづ~
What should I do? What should I buy? Where should I go? Who should I ask?
In turn, you can give suggestions using ×べァぞぞめび or ×べァゃだめびづ. 5. 電話オづにべァぞぞめびTM~ It would be good if you call.
6. だ允度書でやつぱべァゃだめびづ~ Would it be good if you rewrite it? ×ぷだや-×ぷだゅ (noun modifying and adverbial forms of ×ぷだぺ[stem]
‘looks like’)
As you have learned already, ぷだぺ[stem] expresses the speaker’s conjecture based on visual information about what is going to happen (when it attaches to the verb stem), and the current state of someone or something (when it attaches to the adjective stem).
1. 臼てわアぷだぺ~ It looks like it’s going to rain.
2. ねよどまららでびぷだぺ These shoes look comfortable to wear.
×ぷだや is the noun modifying form of ぷだぺ[stem].
3. らでびぷだやどま
4. つぞぱぷだやド【ヅ
5. TMはぷだやロΖトΒ ≧TMはTMぞ∞
6. つぱゥどやはぷだや本 ≧やはやぞ∞
7. ょぷだや企オぱむぞびょ~
shoes that look comfortable cake that looks delicious program that looks good
book that looks boring You look sleepy.
Lesson 17A Page 547