Page 23 - Ranger Demo
P. 23
Figure 2 The military review - the camp at Chobham. The troops returning to their encampment after a field-day, 1853 (Coloured tinted lithograph by Edmund Walker after Louis Haghe (1806-1885), published by Ackermann and Co, 8 October 1853.) [Believed to be looking north-west from 'The Magnet' with Staples Hill to the left]. (Source: National Army Museum, Image number: 8093, collection/detail.php?acc=1968-06-295-1
The Sappers had many tasks including setting out the boundaries of the regiments in the Camp on a large-scale plan "...Corporal Sinnett9 drew the 12-inch plan furnished for the use of Colonel Vicars10...".11 The whole area was also surveyed and drawn at 2 inches to a mile, and Aldershot Heath surveyed and plotted at 6 inches to a mile. Research has been unable to locate any of these maps although it is likely that figure 3, dated 1855, was based on the former.12
Figure 3 Extract from Country around Aldershot and Chobham, original at scale 4 inches to one mile (with annotations of locations mentioned above)
Then they started works that could impact on the landscape:
...springs and watercourses were sought for and collected into small reservoirs or basins, at
9 Valentine SINNETT, Service number 2152, 16th Survey Company, Royal Engineers, b. 1830, Letterkenny, Donegal, Ireland, d. Q2 1865, South Stoneham District, Hampshire. Corporal in 1861. (Source:
10 Edward VICARS, in command of the contingent of Royal Sappers and Miners at the Camp, b. 22 May 1797, Dublin, d. 8 Sep 1864, St Leonard’s on Sea. He retired as Major-General in January 1855. (Source:
12 [ORDNANCE SURVEY OFFICE], [1855], [Country round Aldershot and Chobham. Scale, 4 inches to one mile], Southampton, 16 Sh; 430 x 360 mm; [Scale, 4 inches to one mile], British Library shelf mark: Cartographic Items Maps 2560. (24.); system number: 004787753