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in June of that year. Although, by contrast to the Royal Engineers, the Royal Staff Corps was at peak strength in the 1820s, he vanishes from the Army List after December 1818.
Employment for the Engineers diminished after the war, and John Henryson appears to have been included in the drastic reduction of the active list in 1819. He was reinstated upon temporary half-pay in December 1823, and on the active list in May of the following year and served through to February 1825. He retired on 31 December 1831.32 He had married in Stranraer in 1818 and appeared to have been resident there in his later years.33 It seems fitting to conclude with the final words in the Memoir of Sicily:
Captain Henryson, of the Royal Engineers; and Captain Thompson, of the Royal Staff Corps; have also a large demand on my gratitude, for the personal friendship they have so strongly manifested in the willing assistance constantly rendered me.
All illustrations are reproduced by courtesy of the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office.
Principal Sources
a. Manuscript Sources
The National Archives
ADM 1 Admiralty Board In-letters
ADM 12Admiralty Board Indices and Digests
ADM 344
MR 1/184/18
WO 78/950
Hydrographic Department Coastal Views
Plan of the Environs of Messina, 1808
Plan of Messina and Adjacent Country, 1810-14
The United Kingdom Hydrographic Office
LB Outgoing Letter Books
Book A First Curator's Catalogue
Manuscript surveys by item number and shelf or folio
b. Printed Sources
Clark, P. K., and Jones, Yolande, British Military Map-making in the Peninsular War, unpublished
typescript (1974), reprinted in THE RANGER, Vol. 5, No. 3.
Close, C., The Early Years of the Ordnance Survey (Newton Abbot, David & Charles,1969).
Hodson, Y. Ordnance Surveyors' Drawings 1789-c1840 (London, British Library, 1989).
Smyth, W. H., Memoir Descriptive of Sicily and its Islands (London, John Murray, 1824).
Smyth, W. H., The Mediterranean (London, John W. Parker & Son, 1854).
Webb, A. J., The Expansion of British Naval Hydrographic Administration, 1808-1829, PhD thesis, University of Exeter, 2010.
32 Parliamentary Papers Vol. 40
33 Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, 1818, 117

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