Page 46 - Ranger Demo
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wide enterprise GIS capabilities, ensuring that there is the integration of geospatial analytical capability on the MOD’s CIS networks and defining how data is stored, managed and flows from the fixed to the deployed operational and tactical networks.
Figure 6
The GaaP schematic is starting to get us somewhere close to defining this more comprehensive capability in terms of People, Process, Technology and Data. It is effectively a map of our capability development effort, Fig 6. This is particularly important for the deployable elements of NCGI as they often deploy into this space. It is a major conceptual transition from the current concept of deploying everything, hardware, software, data and people to just deploying our people to meet up with a point of presence where provided over our defence networks is all of their functionality and data. This transition will be a seismic shift in terms of governance, culture, people, process and technology over the next five years. It is not without its challenges and risks, but we are determined to get there because we have a clear idea of the endpoint in mind.
Also, there are plenty of other examples where there are green shoots of individuals thinking in the right way, and we are making in-roads and thinking about analysis from a data-centric viewpoint. Much of that analytic effort is above the level that we can show in this article, but development is going in the right direction. We have to!
So, in summary, NCGI is working hard to develop our Culture first; it is uncomfortable for everybody but is the main effort, user-led and involves a myriad of small trials and steps forward. The development is not ‘big bang’. We are defining and developing our People and their skills requirements – this includes bringing in some additional expertise. We are redefining and developing our Processes and governance based on the data flows within the organisation. And we are finally working with our current technology we understand how and where to apply new technology through agile adoption, evolution and scaling. With a clear vision in mind, we are attempting to remain with the adage of ‘Start small and scale it, not big and fail it’. The bottom line is that we have made a good start and are in the process of turning the rhetoric into reality and closing that gap between ‘Work’
and ‘Weekends’.