Page 6 - HSA_CSP_web_ver_FINAL PLAN June 08
P. 6

> Message from David Begg,
                Tom Parlon and Martin O’Halloran

             Message from David Begg          Message from Tom Parlon         Message from Martin O’Halloran
             General Secretary, ICTU          Director General, CIF           Chief Executive, HSA

             Congress wholeheartedly en-      The   Construction   Industry   The Authority enthusiastically
             dorses the partnership of the    Federation welcomes this third  enters this latest phase of part-
             CSP as a key instrument in       partnership  agreement    and   nership   for  safety  in  the
             improving worker safety in the   looks forward to working with   construction  industry.  New
             building industry. The new plan  our partners to achieve our     challenges have been met with
             has initiatives that advance the  mutual goal of a safer industry.  new goals. I welcome the com-
             progress already made. I wish    The members of the CIF are      mitment by all partners. Let’s
             all parties success in imple-    committed    to  continuously   hope that the improvement
             menting the plan and look        improving safety performance    trend continues and that the
             forward to seeing positive       and previous Partnerships have  ambitious projects add further
             results in worker safety.        contributed enormously to the   value to safety performance.
                                              great strides that industry has
                                              made. By our joint efforts we
                                              can achieve much.




                  Tom Parlon, Martin O’Halloran, Kevin Kelly and David Begg

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