Page 7 - OLCC UAS BIMA NATRA 190602050
P. 7

Asking for Willingness in Advance

              If you want to determine whether the person you want to ask
              for help has an objection or not, you can ask using a making
              request expression like:

             • Do you                          • Do you mind                           • Would you

                  mind….?                           if….?                                   mind….?

                               Note: If the ending is “mind”, continue with the gerund (verb+ing).
                               Example: “Do you mind printing the paper?”

                               If the ending is "if", continue with the complete sentence, aka
                               subject + verb, yes.

                               Example: “Do you mind if I ask you to check my writing?” You can
                               also add "Excuse me" at the beginning of the sentence.
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