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P. 10

R E N E W I N G  Y O U R  M I N D...

       All learning results in a rela ve permanent change in behavior and that is what the

       scripture above depicts.
       ".......but let God Transform You inwardly by a complete Change of Your Mind..." Please
       understand that it is an inward change that results in a complete (not par al) change of

       mind. This is very important. What happens within is what reflects outside. Your Life is a
       reflec on of your constant thoughts...

       The Mind is the ba lefield. If you will ever win or lose anything in this life, it all begin
       from what you possess in your mind. Mind Power Dominates Man Power Any Day.

       Changing your mind therefore will set your life on a fresh path and everything around
       you will begin to flourish..

       ~ Excerpts from the book, Live On Purpose

       By Prophetess Ruth A Martey

                                                                 INSPIRE . BUILD . SUCEED
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