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AWARD WINNING ENTREPRENEUR a brand development and digital
PROPHETIC PREACHER transformation agency.
M & R Group Inc. has helped over 250
distinguished organizations and Over 1,000
AI offer entrepreneurs and organization Individuals find the perfect Placement
leaders world-class business coaching, (Employment). As well as Helped Various
expert mentor-ship with proven global results Companies meet their branding and revenue
and monthly program modules to goals while discovering their greatest
immediately grow your business and team. marketing assets. Led by Martey's
As well as a Dynamic Prophetic and unwavering tenacity, vision, and sincere
Empowered Speaking while Championing the desire to help others succeed, M&R Group
Great Commission as Ordained. has expanded its reach across major U.S.
and International markets including Houston,
Considered one of the Nation's Top Business Ohio, West Africa and South Africa.
Expert, The Empowered Ruth A. Martey is an
award-winning entrepreneur, founder, of
multiple high performing businesses and
CEO of M&R Group Inc., an innovative Direct
Hire Company,