Page 20 - Raynes Park Vale vs Beckenham Town 18-04-22
P. 20

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              CLUB HISTORY                  division, but after
      BEGINNINGS AND OVERVIEW               coming last again
      Beckenham Town Football Club is one   in 1932/33, they
      of the older non-league clubs still in   were relegated
      existence having first been affiliated   back to Division
      to the Kent County Football Associa-  One. After finising
      tion as early as 1887.                bottom of Division
      Records show the club played in the   One in 1934/35 the club left the
      London League 1923-1935 and also      league.
      1951-1961 and the Aetolian League            AFTER THE WAR                            Action from the previous match
      between 1961 and 1964, befor mov-     They competed in the Kent County
      ing to the Greater London League      Amateur League’s Western Section              Premier Division until rejoining the   In 1971 the club was reformed, emerg-
      1964-1969. In addition to their pres-                                               London League in 1951. During the     ing out of the chrysalis of successful
      ent day participation in the FA Cup                                                 1950’s the team was a feeder club for   local junior club, Stanhope Rovers.
      and FA Vase, the club competed in the                                               Crystal Palace. Placed in the Premier   Rovers had sprung up in 1959 as the
      FA Amateur Cup between 1926 and                                                     Division they competed there until    brainchild of teenage footballers and
      1967.                                                                               joining the Aetolian League in 1961.   friends, Howard Smith and Geoff Ward
           BETWEEN THE WARS                                                               This merged with the London League    in association with Pat Quinn (Head
      In 1923 the club joined Division One                                                in 1964 to form the Greater London    Games Warden at Stanhope Grove)
      of the London League. They were                                                     League, with Beckenham placed in      and the club had enjoyed considera-
      Division One Champions in 1927/28,                                                  Section B.                            ble success playing in the Beckenham
      earning promotion to the Premier                                                    A fifth-place finish in the league’s   League and the South East London
      Division. However, after finishing sec-                                             inaugural season saw them win a       Amateur League.
      ond-from-bottom in their first season,                                              place in the Premier Division for the   By 1971, it had become apparent
      they finished the 1929/30 season in                                                 1965/66 season. However, after finish-  that they were the top team in the
      last place, and were relegated back to                                              ing second-frombottom of the divi-    area. Secretary Barry Starmer applied
      Division One. Runners-up the fol-                                                   sion that season, they were relegated   successfully for both the name Beck-
      lowing season they were promoted                                                    down to Division One. Unfortunately,   enham Town FC and the red and white
      back to the Premier Division. Despite                                               the original club folded in 1969 merg-  colours that had been so synonymous
      finishing bottom of the Premier Divi-                                               ing with neighbours Bromley FC.       with the demised predecessor.
      sion in 1931/32 they remained in the                                                    1970’s REFORMATION                                                                Continued...
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