Page 14 - Raynes Park Vale v Badshot Lea
P. 14
Player interView
tom harland-Goddard
Previous Clubs: I have been at RPV
since the age of 16 and only took half a
season out in that time!
Day job: Highways technician for
Southwark, but study civil engineering
part time at South Bank.
What made you join RPV: Eoin Bogle
Fraser bought me into the U18s at 16,
and from then on I worked my way into
the reserves and first team.
have to be up there for some of his rascal
Favourite RPV moment: When I was 17 clobber, and Nathan Lewis loves a lairy
years old and the first team were at home shirt. However, after his jacket at the last
to local rivals SCR. We was 1-0 down do, Ashley Noble takes the trophy.
with 5 mins to go and I ended up scoring
2 late goals to win the game 2-1. Best friend in the changing room:
I’ve sat next to Jack Wills over all the
What keeps you at RPV: The bond the years I’ve been at RPV and had a good
players and staff have with one another. It few laughs with him.
is a friendly club where you feel at home.
There are no big egos, and it is also the What is your favourite quote: Martin
most local club to my house in the CCL. Luther King - 'The ultimate measure of a
man is not where he stands in moments
Favourite player past or present: Being of comfort and convenience, but where
a Chelsea fan since a kid and also being he stands at times of challenge and
a centre mid myself, my favourite player controversy'.
was Frank Lampard. Frank's movement,
passing & scoring ability is what all Who gets fined the most: Ken, he’d be
number 8s dream of. His stats and late to his own funeral!
trophies show what a great player he was.
Best nickname: James Curran aka Ian
Worst Dresser: James Curran would Beale.