Page 24 - RPVFC v Hilltop FC
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Hilltop Football club is based in
Stonebridge, founded in 2005.
They are currently members of the
Combined Counties League Divi-
sion One and groundshare with
Hillingdon Borough at the Middle-
sex Stadium.
Middlesex County League
In 2007 the club joined Division
Three of the Middlesex County
League. On the first attempt, the sion 1 on the basis of winning the pate in these tournaments. We also
club got promoted to the second Premier Division of the Middle- participate in the Somali British
division. After 2 seasons playing sex County League in the 2019/20 Champions league and currently
in the Division Two of the Middle- season on points per game prior to are the Champions.
sex County League the club left the Covid.
league. Middlesex County League
Relegated to Division 3 The 2018/19 season was a turn- The club has developed over the
The club rejoined the Middlesex ing point for the Club. On the first years, and as from the 2021/22
County League Division Two in attempt won the league without season; we have a reserve team
the 2014/15 season, and in the losing any games and only conced- who will be competing in Division
2015–16 season were relegated to ing 13 goals the whole season. The 1 of the Middlesex County League,
Division 3 having finished last in club also won the Middlesex Coun- a women’s team competing in the
the league. ty Junior Cup, defeating Western Greater London Women’s Football
Winning promotion Athletic 6-1 in the final. We were League, and a number of youth
The club’s management was then denied the treble as we lost the fi- teams.
reformed, and success followed. nal of the Jim Rodgers Presidents Somali community
After finishing second in the Cup to Clapton CFC. The club draws many of its play-
league, the club was promoted to Combined Counties League ers from the Somali community in
Division Two. The club won Divi- After the reconstruction of the London. And from time to time we
sion 2 the following season, win- non-league football pyramid, the enter Somali tournaments across
ning promotion to the Middlesex club got promoted to Combined the world. The club has traveled
County League’s Division 1. Counties Football League Divi- to Canada and Somalia to partici-