Page 21 - RPVFC v Abbey Rangers
P. 21

When Saturday Comes         Saturdays 3:00 pm


 At      three o' clock on
 Saturdays, we know who
 we are , where we belong,
 and where we should be
 even when we aren't. Not
 everyone has that. We're
 actually very lucky. For us
 there is a fixed break from
 the complications and
 obstacles of being human...

 Being a football fan entitles
 us to a temporary, recurring
 retreat, a short holiday
 from real existence. Our
 lives can be in chaos and
 nothing seem fixed. Nothing
 except how we feel on a
 Saturday at 3pm, when we
 are elevated into blissful
 and infuriating distraction.
 What a privilege that is.

 Extract from Daniel Gray's book
 Saturday, 3pm (50 Eternal Delights
 of Modern Football)
 books/       Tuesdays 7:45 pm

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