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Football Books Football Books
Inshallah United: A Story of Football And How To Survive it
Faith and Football 'The good news for those who loved
The Accidental Footballer this new
Final to Arsenal courtesy of a man book is even better. There were
named Sunderland. That club would times as I read Pat Nevin's account
become an all-consuming obsession of his years running - or, trying to
for young Nooruddean, who would run - Motherwell, I had to remind
one day become a small brown man myself to breathe. It's a thrilling
and, vitally, also a Red. read - funny, nerve-wracking, pre-
cise and very, very human' - Roddy
Inshallah United is the story of the Doyle
first British-born son of a Pakistani
family living in England’s second o, you fell into football by acci-
city. And geography is important, Sdent. You've played for Chelsea,
because if it wasn't for his mum and Everton and your country at an in-
dad settling in Manchester rather ternational level. But what happens
than anywhere else in the world, when you discover you're in so deep
so much of what makes up Noorud- that football has taken over your
dean's identity could have been so whole life?
different. As it was, he grew up as a In his brilliant new memoir, Pat next. So much is madness, like being
Muslim, Manchester United sup- Nevin takes us on a journey to the the manager's boss, and his players
porting, Morrissey-loving, Mag- less glamorous side of football. From at the same time; or discovering that
anchester. Birthplace of in- gie-hating, working-class Manc. Tranmere to Kilmarnock, he plays the ground's goalposts are higher on
Mdustry, the Stone Roses, the some of the best football he's ever one side than on the other!
Class of 92 and, in 1979, a small Inshallah United is about grow- played. Then, in an unprecedented And with impossible challenges at
brown man called Noz. This is the ing up as a strictly halal Stretford twist of fate, finds himself both play- every corner, such as learning that
story of how, and why, he came to be Ender; a devout Muslim and diehard er and Chief Executive of Scottish their son is autistic, and the club
a strictly halal Stretford Ender. Red. It’s about praying five times First Division club Motherwell. hurtling towards administration, Pat
Nooruddean Choudry was born in a day that United would sign Alan strives to walk the impossible line
1979 — the year Margaret Thatcher Shearer and knock the Scousers off What follows is an entertaining and between player, parent and boss.
became Prime Minister, Sid Vicious their perch. And it’s a deeply per- revealing tale of the side of football
died of a heroin overdose, Ayatollah sonal account of life as a Muslim that you rarely see as Pat tries to It is a real one-off, uncovering the
Khomeini overthrew the last Shah Asian Mancunian kid in the late 80s keep the lid on simmering tensions sport in all its complex, confusing
of Iran, and Tim Martin opened his and 90s, bookmarked by the most between owner and the manager; and calamitous glory. Once you've
first Wetherspoons. Also that year, successful period in Manchester travels in Lear jets one moment, read it, you may never look at the
a local football club lost the Cup United's history. but has to sell off half the team, the game in the same way again.