Page 12 - CHUFC vs Westside 05.04.22
P. 12

HISTORY OF THE CLUB                                                              Cammell Laird at home in front of some 500  for success in this League! 2013/14, Nogsy
                                                                                          supporters.                           left the Club in October that year, leaving his
      CHESSINGTON &                                                                       Wseason to bring the ground up to lev-  Andrew brought in ex CHUFC player Dar-
                                                                                                ork was carried out during the close  assistant Andrew Ellis to take charge.

      HOOK UNITED                                                                         el five standard and they now possess a stand  ren Woods to assist him but to no avail as
                                                                                          for 200 spectators and also erected a covered  we were relegated to Division One finishing
                                                                                          area behind one goal.                 bottom of the Premier Division after flirting
                                                                                           Season 2006/07 had Chessington languish-  with that position for the previous two years.
                                                                                          ing in the relegation zone but 15 matches  Division One was probably a breath of fresh
                                                                                          unbeaten saw them finish a creditable 10th  air & Darren & Andy took it on the chin &
                                                                                          position. 2007/08 season saw us use a huge
                                                                                          number of players who had us playing some
                                                                                          good attacking  football, but the  weather
                                                                                          caught us napping, & with only one match in
                                                                                          eight weeks, finally finished the season once
                                                                                          again mid-table.
                                                                                           2008/09 & saw the introduction of a new
         ormed as Chessington F.C. in 1921, the  club’s fortunes declined alarmingly in the   manager after Paul Norris decided to step  set out to earn promotion back to the Pre-
      Fclub entered the Kingston & District  early 80s. Relegation to the Surrey Premier   down after 10 years. Enter Glynn Stephens as  mier Division but with 19 games to play, it
      League and within two years were the Divi-  League was quickly followed by further de-  manager. Glynn had been reserve team man-  seemed a bridge too far until a run of just
      sion 4 Champions. Further honours proved  motion to the Surrey Combination, Bank-   ager at Ashford Town (Middx) after a glitter-  two defeats & two draws & a dramatic final
      elusive through the divisions until 1961 win-  ruptcy was a real possibility. The introduc-  ing playing career amongst some of the top  game of the season when, 1-3 down at HT v
      ning the Premier Division.            tion of a new management team in 1986, led    Ryman teams, but he took to it admirably &  Alton Town & Worcester Park beating Ban-
       By 1968, the club had moved to the Premier  by Chairman Graham Ellis, (of Hook Unit-  took the team to its second highest finish of  stead, it all seemed in vain until a strange
      Division of the Middlesex  League, which  ed & Hook Youth) saw a rebirth of the club   6th, since we entered this competition.  twist of fortune as the lads scored four 2nd
      was their first taste of intermediate football.  and return to former glory under the banner   Four years later & sadly, Glynn found the go-  half goals & Banstead won at Worcester Park
      They ended that first season as Runners-up  ‘Chessington & Hook United FC’ & ex-skip-  ing tough & halfway through the 20011/12  to send the mammoth crowd of over 350 de-
      and were consequently admitted to the Sur-  per Eric Wicks as Manager & Graham’s son   season, parted company with the Club. In for  lirious, that means we finish third in the table
      rey County Senior League – a major mile-  Paul assistant. By 1994, they were back in the   Glynn came once again……...Paul (Nogsy)  above Worcester Park & back in the Premier
      stone in the club’s history. Even more signifi-  Surrey Premier League, by just one point to   Norris!!                   Division, unfortunately, we couldn’t sustain
      cantly, they became Division 1 Champions in  make a welcome return to Senior football in   Nogsy changed the team around in an ef-  our Premier Division status, once again,
      the 1970-71 season. In 1972, the club joined  the Combined Counties League. Eric stands   fort to save the Club from relegation, but  our pitch lets us down leaving us to play 16
      the Home Counties League and continued to  down due to work commitments, Paul takes   all in vain as we finished third from bot-  games in 34 days, a bridge too far as we end
      play in the League until the formation of the  the reins. Chessington played through to the   tom, only Banstead Athletic & Mole Valley  up 2nd bottom to be relegated to Div One.
      current Combined Counties League in 1978.  League Cup Final in their first season versus   SCR were below us, but our fate was in the  Fifth in the following season meant we’d be
       That season, the most successful in the  Ash United at Woking, only to lose 6-1.   hands  of  a  relegated  Whyteleafe  team  who  once again playing Division One in 2017/18.
      club’s history, when they brought home sev-  They finished third in the Premier division   were bottom of Ryman  South but decided   In the 2021/22 season Andrew Ellis was ap-
      en trophies!                          ‘04/05 and the season after, made the 4th     not to come down to CCL but enter the Kent  pointed as manager following the departure
      Despite the successes of the late 70s, the  round of the F.A. Vase, beaten 2-1 by finalists   League leaving us free to continue our quest  of Glen Nichols.
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