Page 10 - Raynes Park Vale v Steyning Town
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TODAY'S VISITORS FC with 18 teams from men down to The next four seasons saw the club
STEYNING TOWN The club was awarded Sussex FA’s were relegated to Division Three at
remain in Division Two until they
U6’s and two girl’s teams.
the end of the 1996–97 campaign. At
Community Club of the Year in 2016
and 2017. On 16 October 2015, the
club opened its new 3G pitch at the the fifth attempt, the club managed to
escape from Division three and return
Steyning Town Football Club was the club Shooting Field ground after 3 months to Division two when they finished as
established in 1892 and was original- in of preparation and groundwork by runners up behind Pease Pottage Vil-
ly called Steyning. The club became 1979, they Velocity. The 3G surface cost the club lage at the end of the 2001–02 season.
founding members of the West Sussex changed over £450,000 and was funded by a Steyning Town FC merged
Football League in 1896, joining their donation from the Wilson Memorial In 2013, Steyning Town FC merged
the junior Division. The club joined name to Trust, other private investors and an with the Steyning Strikers (Juniors) to
Division 2 of the Brighton, Hove & their pres- HSBC loan. become Steyning Town Community
DistrictFootball League for the 1919– ent one. Changed their name FC with 18 teams from men down to
20 season, remaining in Division 2 After The 2018-19 season was a very U6’s and two girl’s teams.
until the end of the 1933–34 season, winning the Sussex league the club successful season for the club. The The club was awarded Sussex FA’s
when they finished as champions and left the league, to become one of the 1st team got promoted to the Premier Community Club of the
gained promotion to Division 1. founder members of the Wessex Foot- Division of the Sussex Combination Year in 2016 and 2017. On 16 Octo-
Finished as champions ball League in 1986. Later leaving to Football League after finishing Run- ber 2015, the club opened its new 3G
The club spent three seasons in the join the Combined Counties ners Up at the end of the pitch at the Shooting Field
top division of the league before being Football League. At the end of their 1977–78 ground after 3 months of
relegated, but they finished as champi- fifth season in the Combined counties campaign. After their preparation and ground
ons two seasons later in the 1938–39 league, the club returned to the Sussex first season in Division work by Velocity. The 3G
campaign but were not promoted county league but was placed in Divi- one the club in 1979, surfacecost the club over
After WWII, the club was still sion two. they changed their name £450,000 and was funded
playing in Division 2 of the Brighton At the fifth attempt to their present one. by a donationfrom the
& Hove league until the end of the The next four seasons saw the club After winning the Wilson Memorial Trust,
1951–52 campaign when they gained remain in Division Two Sussex league the club other private investors and
promotion to Division 1. The until they were relegated to Divi- left the league, to be- an HSBC loan.
1963–64 campaign saw the club leave sion Three at the end of the1996–97 come one of the founder The 2018-19 season was
division one, when after finishing as campaign. At the fifth attempt, the members of the Wes- a very successful season
runners-up, gaining promotion to Di- club managed to escape from Division sex Football League in for the club. The 1st team
vision 2 of the Sussex County League. three and return to Division two when 1986. Later leaving to got promoted to the Pre-
For the next 17 seasons, Steyning they finished as runners up behind join the Combined Counties mier Division of the Sussex Combina-
stayed in Division Two of the Sussex Pease Pottage Village at the end of the Football League. At the end of their tion Football League after finishing
County League, until they gained pro- 2001–02 season. fifth season in the Combined Coun- Runners Up and won the League Cup
motion as champions, to Division One In 2013, Steyning Town FC merged ties League, the club returned to the beating Wick FC 4-0 in the Final.
at the end of the 1977–78 campaign. with the Steyning Strikers (Juniors) to Sussex County League but was placed
After their first season in Division one become Steyning Town Community in Division two.