Page 5 - Raynes Park Vale FC v Hythe Town FC
P. 5
Two weeks ago, in the programme for the game And THAT is why this
against Erith & Belvedere I wrote aout the lure, game matters. Yes, as
the excitement and the romance of the FA a club we get money
Cup and of Raynes Park Vale’s part in it. By the for each round that we
time some of you had got around to reading successfully pass and
your copy of Into The Vale it was looking as if fans and players know how important every
the dream might be over before it had really pound is that we generate as a club but we
started. A strong opposition came to Grand get more than just cash - we get belief and
Drive with a strong game plan to dominate the confidence
way the game was being played and, despite We have a fantastic team
a gutsy performances from RPV it looked With every passing game at Grand Drive one
as if, with mere seconds to go, we would be thing is becoming clear - we’re starting to get
exiting this most famous of competitions at a crowd!! We are seeing more and more people
the earliest stage. And then... And then one of coming to Raynes Park Vale to watch football.
those moments of magic that typifies the FA And why not? We have a fantastic team,
Cup came along. Dan Moody took control of inspirational mangement, loyal and supportive
a ball that was pinging off heads in the Erith sponsors, good food, great, local beer and
area, controlled it with his right, put it onto his the friendliest supporters to be found. We
left and struck it. That ball, that shot could be are seeing more and more families and young
circulated around every football league team people - the life-blood of the future of our club
in the country to show to players who thought and our sport. It is fantastic to see - and hear!
(think) that the FA Cup is history. The ball seared I’m not one to want to sanitize our sport - it’s a
across the Erith area from the edge and beyond sport built on passion just as our club is but let’s
the reach of the visiting keeper and into the net remember that everyone here today - players,
- a team, THE team that had been so unjustly officials, staff, supporters are here because
reduced to 10 men early in the game had just they are fans of the game. When we get
pulled out the bag marked ‘FA Cup Magic’ and involved in the game our emotions are behind
sprinkled it over SW20. our team and that is exactly as it should be.
To say that the ground erupted would not be an Here at RPV we are trying to address the kind of
overstatement. The players, including Captain experience that officials and visiting fans and
and keeper Billy Bishop raced the length of players have when they come here. Let’s lead
the pitch to celebrate. The subs came off the the way in making football a welcoming place
bench. The management joined in and in the for everyone - offcials do the job they do for
crowd there was genuine elation like I have money that many of us wouldn’t consider for a
never seen at Raynes Park Vale. THAT is what days work. Players come here to play their best
makes the FA Cup special. - no player would do less. As supporters we
Buoyed by the belief that Dan Moody’s goal come to get behind our team. Let’s make sure
inspired Vale went on to the replay three days that our passion and support doesnt spill over
later and showed what they were capable of, into abuse of players or officials.
coming away from Welling with a close but John Dalton, Chairman, Raynes Park Vale FC
convincing win. 5