Page 15 - Raynes Park Vale vs Banstead Athletic
P. 15
Raynes Park Past
The Apostles
In the 1890's on a former crickt ground, a stone's throw away from the
Raynes Park Vale ground, a housing development was started. The first
properties to be built in 1901 were on Chestnut, Bronson, Sydney and
Dupont Road.
By 1907 work began on Gore Road, the last of the twelve roads, which
became known as the'Apostles', and by 1920 construction of all the
roads had been completed.
Bombing during the Second World War destroyed housing at the north-
ern ends of Carlton Park Avenue, Vernon Avenue, Dupont Road and
Sydney Road, and these houses were rebuilt in the 1950's.
Map showing the so called 'Apostles' roads
More detailed information about the Apostles roads can be found on
The Apostles Residents Association website. Click on the link to view.