Page 2 - Raynes Park Vale v Horley Town
P. 2

      Raynes Park Vale FC was formed in 1995
      following the merger of Raynes Park and
      Malden Vale (formed 1967).
                                                                                              CHAIRMAN'S NOTES

      1928 to 1995
                                                                                              First of all I would like to wish everyone at
      Southern Railway Football Section -                                                     Raynes Park Vale and at Horley Town FC a
      Raynes Park FC                          RAYNES PARK VALE FC                             Happy New Year! and a warm welcome to

                                              Grand Drive                                     the first game of 2022 here at Grand Drive -
      Raynes Park FC used to be based at
      Taunton Avenue, SW20 at the Raynes      Raynes Park                                     home of Raynes Park Vale!
      Park Recreation Group until the 1995/96   Greater London                                I know that it has been a challenging festive
      merger.  Raynes Park FC was originally   SW20 9DZ                                       period for everyone with the Omicron COV-
      the Southern Railways Football Section                                                  ID variant playing havoc with family get-togeth-             ers
      (formed 1928) and were known as         STAFF DIRECTORY                                 and placing an ever-increasing burden on the NHS, transport
      Southern Railway until they changed     Chairman: John Dalton                           businesses and public services, the hospitality and agriculture
      name to Raynes Park FC in 1964.  The    Secretary: Paul Armour                          industries. Many of us have been following the guidance and
      Southern Railway Team was a victim of   Treasurer: Simon Maynard                        isolating during the holiday period (unless you happen to live in
      the notorious 1963 Beeching spending    General Manager: Marc Skinner                   Downing Street, that is!) and so I want to extend a special thank
      cuts, a national review into modernising   Manager: Josh Gallagher                      you and welcome to everyone today for coming out to support
      the UK's railways.  Southern Railways
      1950's home kit was Gold and Green      Programme Editor: Mark Ferrari                  your football team.
      quarters, the company colours.  Raynes                                                                      Share in their passion
      Park FC home shirt colours were Red     TODAY'S COVER                                   We hear a lot about the part that supporters play in the football
      and Black stripes (similar to AC Milan).    Ben Harrison & Josh Ano                     world when tens of thousands of fans turn out to help create the
      Another home kit was light blue shirts                                                  atmosphere at stadia from the Premier League to Serie A but
      and white shorts.  Raynes Park FC ran                                                   less about the support from much more modest grounds like
      five senior teams on Saturdays.  The 1st                                                Grand Drive, but ask any player here today or at any other club
      and 2nd XI's played in the Surrey Premier
      League.  The 3rd team played in the                                                     in the CCL Premiership and you'll hear what I hear every week
      Surrey South Eastern Combination while                                                  - that support from fans who come to matches like today's, buy
      the 4ths and 5ths played in the Kingston                                                                 the programme, buy a beer or a tea, a pastie
      and District League.  They also ran an                                                                    or a badge and, more that anything, cheer
      over 35's team and youth teams aged                                                                         on their team and share in their passion
      14 to 18.                                                                                                      for the club means just as much at Vale's
                                                                                                                        Grand Drive or Horley's New De-
      Source: Former RPV FC President, Robert                                                                              fence ground as it does at Stamford
      Hallett Senior, who was instrumental in                                                                                  Bridge or St. James' or Fener-
      the formation of both the Rayes Park and                                                                                    bahçe's Şükrü Saracoğlu.
      Raynes Park Vale football clubs.
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