Page 14 - TEST BRIT AIRWAYS - 2019-20 Season
P. 14
Chessington and Hook
3) Harry Hawker was the first to fly
which fighter aircraft on December
22nd 1916?
a. Sopwith Tiger
b. Sopwith Camel
c. Sopwith Moth
3) Harry Hawker was the first to fly
which fighter aircraft on December
22nd 1916?
a. Sopwith Tiger
b. Sopwith Camel
c. Sopwith Moth
3) Harry Hawker was the first to fly
which fighter aircraft on December
22nd 1916?
a. Sopwith Tiger
b. Sopwith Camel
1)Which Chessington born actress c. Sopwith Moth
starred in the 2019 film Eli ?
a. Kelly McGillis 3) Harry Hawker was the first to fly
b. Kelly Osbourne which fighter aircraft on December
c. Kelly Reilly 22nd 1916?
a. Sopwith Tiger
3) The zoo at Chessing- b. Sopwith Camel
ton was turned into a c. Sopwith Moth
theme park, Chessing-
ton World of Adven- 3) Harry Hawker was the first
tures on the 7th of June to fly which fighter aircraft
1987. Who opened it? on December 22nd 1916?
a. Prince Charles a. Sopwith Tiger
b. Prince Andrew b. Sopwith Camel
c. Prince Edward c. Sopwith Moth