Page 9 - RPVFC v Erith & Belvedere
P. 9

Kenny Hope                         Kenny Hope
 A Word From Our...  involved, it’s such a rewarding oppor-  mark. Some fantastic moments and

                                            memories to keep. On to this season,
         New pitch, new floodlights...      we go again!
 Unlike the big EPL names                          A great group of lads
 RPV don’t have the bottomless   It’s been great to be associated with
 bank-accounts of other   the club at a time when so many pos-  I would like to wish the management
 teams. What we do have is spon-  itive changes are being made, led by   team and all of the players the best
 sors who believe in us and be-  Chairman, John Dalton & General   for the 2022/2023 season, I’m proud
 lieve in football. What do   Manager, Marc Skinner, which have   to have my company name represent-
 they make of it all? Why do they   included a new pitch, new floodlights,   ed by such a great group of lads and
 do it? Into The Vale sent some   new goals, constant upgrades to the   football club.
 bloke we found in the   ground and investment in the team.
 bar to ask Kenny Hope of Jewson   Match day hospitality is seond to
 to set the record straight...  none, players and officials are spoilt
      with the best food you can find in the
 We are about to embark on our   league which is provided by Opera-
 second season as first team sponsor   tions Manager, Helen Dalton. The club
 supporting this fantastic   Kenny Hope (right) presenting the   is supported by a loyal group of volun-
 football club.  Jewson Man of the Match award  teers, Paul Armour our club secretary,
      Mandy on the turnstile, Dom on social
 So why RPV? It sits in the middle of   players and management team are   media, Karl our match day photogra-
 an area of Jewson branches that I’m   always happy to have a chat after the   pher & Mark Ferrari who looks after
 responsible for, it’s an ambitious club   game - which is great for us   our match day programme. Apologies
 with a welcoming feel, and it’s a club   football lovers. Through marketing on   for not  mentioning everyone. It’s no   As well as being a RPV legend
 that shares many of my personally and  the club’s social media channels, E-   wonder we picked up CCL club of the   Kenny is the awardwinning
 company led values. Wanting to be   programmes and banners around the   year award 2021 & 2022!   Business Unit Director at Jew-
 better is a great attribute, strengthen-  club we are also able to grow our cus-    Some fantastic moments  son, one of the largest chains of
 ing the local community you represent  tomer base and promote our offers.   British builders merchants.
 and being proactive in whatever you   You are invested in the club  What a season last year was, with the   Kenny holds FA coaching certi-
 commit to do. It’s extremely important   Gaffer orchestrating a 3rd place finish   fications and is a double mara-
 to Jewson that we support the local   Being a sponsor at RPV is not just a   narrowly missing out on promotion   thon runner having competed in
 communities we do business in. The   financial investment, you are invested   and a great run in the FA Vase in his   both the London and Paris races.
 benefits for us have been wide reach-  in the club, a part of the wider family,   first season as a manager. Credit to all
 ing; it raises our brand awareness,   wanting to share in the journey and   of the management team and players
 gives us networking opportunities,   being a part of something special. I   for what was a good season. Some of
 and the ability to entertain colleagues   would fully encourage any business   the football I witnessed  warranted an
 and customers on match day.  The   that would like to sponsor to get   admission fee more around the £20.00

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