Page 14 - Raynes Park Vale v Farnham Town
P. 14

From The Dugout                                                                     THE UNTOLD GAME

                                                                                         While we rant and rage about the modern game, football history supremo Martyn
     No-one is hitting the panic button but four points
     from 12 not exactly promotion form. Everyone                                        Green  peeks into football’s nooks and crannies to unearth the stories that don’t make
     can see the quality in the squad and in the dug-out                                 it into the papers...anymore. This week we celebrate Black History Month with the
     so what’s your explanation? Yeah results havent                                     fascinating and heroic story of Walter Tull.
     been good enough. The players know that. There is
     still a long way to go so we certainly aren’t panicking.                            The first black footballer to   him on trial, on their tour of
     The frustrating thing is that our Performances have                                 play in English football, that we   South America, where he became
     been really pleasing, we’ve played well. But just                                   know of, did so in 1885, when   the first mixed heritage player
     haven’t had that cutting edge to score in front of                                  Arthur Wharton took up a place   to play on the continent, and
     goal, we’ve made individual errors which have cost                                  between the sticks for Darlington.   impressed sufficiently to join the
     us goals (put these two together and things do                                      It shouldn’t be much of a surprise,   team for the following season.
     become difficult no matter how well we’ve played.                                   then, to find black players in the   Despite early promise, the level
     This is no excuse as the squad is very strong but a lot   You must be pleased with the impact made by   record throughout the history of   of racial abuse he received from
     of people injured, away or Ill haven’t made it easy.   your close season signing from Horley Town,   the game. Thirty years later, when   opposition fans was so vitriolic
     But we know it’s not acceptable and are looking to   Ethon Archer. Tell us what he’s added to the   conflict broke out and football   that he was dropped to the
     kick on from our game at Camberely last week.  Vale and what you expect of him this season?   came to a halt, teams signed up   reserves after just a few games.
                                             Ethon has been brilliant. He loves football, always   together to go and fight in the          to take place in fierce fighting at
                                             kicking a ball about. That’s how he plays on the   trenches of France. And yet the   He wouldn’t return to the first
     Is promotion still the aim for this season? Yes                                                               team for over a year, and in total   Delville Wood and Guillemont
     promotion is still the aim, we all know what we are   pitch. He has fantastic ability which can take him   story of Walter Tull, a footballer   manged just ten games for the   during the Battle of the Somme.
     capable of. So nothing different there. We will fight   a long way. He needs to keep his feet grounded   who become one of the county’s   side before the player and the   The grim conditions took their
     all the way.                            and continue to perform the way he is. He is a   first to sign up for military service,   club decided to cut their losses,   toll, however, and by January
                                             player that wants to develop, he listens and gives   has gone largely unheralded in   and he was moved on, this   1917 he was again returned to
     Amongst the fans there is always a lot of talk   everything. He wants to add goals and assists to   the century since he became a   time to a Northampton Town   Britain, this time with Trench
     about the squad. Do you think that current woes   his game, he’s doing that. I’m sure the more he   war hero.   side that was developing under   Fever. He made this time work
     are a reflection of the make up of the squad and   plays and develops, he will only get better.  Tull’s life is a life of pioneering   Herbert Chapman. It would be   for him, however, and joined a
     recent changes and injuries? Well like i said, in                                   ‘firsts’. He was born in Folkestone  the move that made his career,   nearby Officer Training Corps.
     the last month we’ve lost Jordan and Wazza both   We’ve written before about the impact that   in 1888, three years after Arthur   and over the next three seasons   Despite huge opposition, he was
     long term, so we had to replace them along with   your brother (Jake Gallagher) brings to Vale’s   Wharton’s debut, and was the   he made 110 appearances for   promoted upon its completion
     having a further 8 players either ill, injured or away at   game and he is missed by the fans both as a   grandson of a Barbadian slave,   the side, scoring nine goals.   to Second Lieutenant. He also
     different times doesn’t help with the consistency of   player and as personality. Is there any news   but when tragedy struck and   Preparing for his fourth season   secured his post-war future by
     the team. So it’s lucky we’ve got the squad we have   on when we can see him back at Grand Drive?   both of his parents had died by   in the summer of 1914, nobody   agreeing a move to Rangers,
     as it could’ve been a lot harder for us. At the same   Jake and Jordan will both be in Australia when   the age of eleven, he was sent   could have guessed what was   upon the cessation of hostilities.
     time the results doesn’t reflect the strength of the   you are all reading this. We are hoping Christmas   to an orphanage in London,   about to come. War was declared
     squad. Some players aren’t hitting the form they’d   time (maybe before) we may see them back. But   before being adopted by a   on the 1st August, and despite   Sadly, Tull would never take up
     like to, this may take time. But if you look at the force   that is if we are lucky. There is a bigger chance   Glaswegian family and moving   some attempts to get the season   his position at Ibrox. Returned to
     changes we’ve had to make with Jordan, Wazza,   we may not see them again. So we have to   north of the border. In his new   going, the conflict soon engulfed   France, he became the first black
     Louie D. These are big parts of the team and aren’t   plan without them. The squad we have is good   home, he excelled both in sports   every aspect of life. Footballers   officer to lead British soldiers
     easily replaced.                        enough. We are really happy with how the team   and academia, becoming the   were not immune.  into battle, at the Third Battle of
                                             is developing.                                                                                 Ypres, and was recommended
                                                                                         country’s first dentist of mixed                   for the Military Cross. As the
     It’s never fair to ask managers to explain away                                     heritage before embarking on his   Tull signed up for the army in
     unexpected defeats but…what happened against   For the 2nd half of the Camberley game you   footballing career.  December 1914, less than a week   war began to draw to a close,
     Guildford? Guildford summed up exactly how we’ve   set the team up in an unusual 2-6-2 formation.             after, and completely separately   however, his luck ran out. He
     been recently. Our performance was really good, we   What was the thinking there? How the players   Heading back to London in   from, a meeting in London led   died at Arras in March 1918, 2nd
     played Some great football and scored two great   respond? Was this something that you had   1908, Tull signed with amateur   by players of Clapton Orient   Lt. Tull, and his body was never
     goals. But individual errors cost us that day. We can’t   discussed in training? Haha! Well Camberley   side Clapton FC, at the time a   to encourage the creation of a   recovered. His name can be
     afford to do that.                      played a 4-5-1 so were no threat going forward.   much fancied team who were   footballers’ battalion. He started   found on the Arras memorial in
                                             We had 3 at the back and was a waste of a body.   considered to be one of the best   his training in Cranleigh, and was   France, just one of 35,000 who
     I guess, what we’re asking is…what’s the mind-  So we said at half time we would make two   in the amateur game, at a time   moved to various training camps   died. But his life was not “just
     set in the squad and management now? The   changes. Bring a striker on and midfielder to get   when the amateur game was held  before being sent to France, as   one of”, it was “the first of”, right
     squad have been immense. They’ve been very level   more numbers forward. So we went to a 2-6-2 or   in high regard. Considered the   part of that battalion. Rising fast   to the end.
     headed, they know the expectations and are doing   a 2-4-4 you could call it! It completely back fired   “catch of the season”, he helped   through the ranks, less than a   Enjoy the game.
     everything they can to get where we all want to   as they brought on 2 strikers at HT and we ended   the side to the FA Amateur Cup,   year had passed before he had
     be. Training and attitude has been superb. We are   up changing back to a 3 as the balance of the   the London County Amateur   made the rank of Sergeant.  Martyn Green, The Untold Game
     staying very positive about it, addressing where we   team was better with their two up top! If they’d   Cup, and the London Senior Cup,   Find more at TheUntoldGame.
     can improve and making sure everyone is fit and   stayed the same as the first half, it would have   and caught the eye of Tottenham   In May 1916 he was sent home or on social media @
     available.                              worked I promise! Haha.                     Hostpur. They offered to take   suffering from shellshock, but
                                                                                                                   was returned to France in order   TheUntoldGame
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