Page 2 - Raynes Park Vale v AFC Croydon Athletic
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Raynes Park Vale FC was formed in 1995
following the merger of Raynes Park and
Malden Vale (formed 1967).
1928 to 1995
Southern Railway Football Section - ood afternoon and welcome
Raynes Park FC RAYNES PARK VALE FC to Grand Drive! It seems like
Grand Drive Gmonths since we were playing
Raynes Park FC used to be based at at the Vale but after dropping 2 points vs
Taunton Avenue, SW20 at the Raynes Raynes Park Jersey Bulls we have gained 6 points against
Park Recreation Group until the 1995/96 Greater London two. With a Jersey player being sent off and
merger. Raynes Park FC was originally SW20 9DZ taking so long to leave the pitch the Vale players
the Southern Railways Football Section switched off and, as soon as the game got underway,
(formed 1928) and were known as STAFF DIRECTORY the ball was lost in midfield and the opposition top-scorer made
Southern Railway until they changed Chairman: John Dalton it 1-1. This was an expensive lesson in focus for the players but
name to Raynes Park FC in 1964. The Secretary: Paul Armour was still a lesson learned. However, being in total control against
Southern Railway Team was a victim of Treasurer: Simon Maynard
the notorious 1963 Beeching spending General Manager: Marc Skinner one of the favourites for the title is a good sign.
cuts, a national review into modernising Manager: Josh Gallagher Next up a strong Redhill side who were looking to reverse their
the UK's railways. Southern Railways Vase defeat. They got off to a decent early start but The Lobsters
1950's home kit was Gold and Green Programme Editor: Mark Ferrari could not hold wave after wave of Vale attacks. Josh Gallagher
quarters, the company colours. Raynes used the full bench and the quality coming of it was just to much
Park FC home shirt colours were Red TODAY'S COVER which took us to a 2-1 away win.
Brad Sweeney & Jordan Gallagher
and Black stripes (similar to AC Milan). Next up Balham away. The game was one of the toughest so far
Another home kit was light blue shirts and
white shorts. Raynes Park FC ran five but a 2-0 win for the Vale who took their chances.
senior teams on Saturdays. The All of these matches demonstrate the new confidence at Raynes
1st and 2nd XI's played in the Park and the quality that we are developing in the squad.
Surrey Premier League. The 3rd There's loads going on at the club with five new signings settling
team played in the Surrey South in nicely, the floodlights still on track for December - hopeful-
Eastern Combination while the 4ths and ly up and shining before the club house Christ-
5ths played in the Kingston and District mas lights!
League. They also ran an over 35's team
and youth teams aged 14 to 18. The new head of operations at RPV has
been working full-steam. An interior
Source: Former RPV FC President, Robert designer has been appointed and a
Hallett Senior, who was instrumental in totally new club house will start
the formation of both the Rayes Park and to unfold with all new
Raynes Park Vale football clubs.