Page 24 - Raynes Park Vale v AFC Croydon Athletic
P. 24

               FAN FOCUS

      DAVE (AND NEO!)

                                                                                              ln close proximity to London and an online following of over 3,500,
      Age? Let’s not get personal!                                                           we would love to work with you to advertise your business. We work
                                                                                             with a range of local sponsors and we would love to continue to grow
      First team/other team? AFC Wim-                                                         that further. To partner with us please visit the partnerships  page.

      Job? Anyone offering

      Favourite player (from anywhere)?
      Kevin  De Bruyne - I love a good

      Do you play - if so where? 5-a-side
      only these days

      What attracted you to RPV? Close
      to home - much improved football
      and a decent pale ale!

      What  would  you  be  doing  if  not  Best thing about RPV? - It’s going
      watching RPV? Probably at Plough  places!  ... unlike AFC at the mo-
      Lane - good that both teams set up  ment!
      to play at home on alternate weeks!

                                                                                                 All Proud Sponsors of Raynes Park Vale F.C.
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