Page 14 - RPVFC v Kingstonian
P. 14

The Fan's View

      Who are you and where do              Favourite player? Tough one
      you live? My name is Barry            for me but I would have to say
      Bowers married with 3 children,       Billy Bishop I’ve watched Billy
      2 girls Bethany and Carys and         over the years at AFC especially.
      you may have guessed Wazza            He should have got a pro con-
      (Reece Williams-Bowers). I was        tract there - he is a top lad.
      born and raised in Kingston and
      have never moved anywhere else        What was your involvement
      in my life.                           with football? I started my
                                            short career at Fulham as a 13
      First club supported? It was          year old in 1974, moved to Swin-
      in 1976 when I recieved a let-        don Town and signed apprentice
      ter from Bill Nicholson the then      forms then all of a sudden get
      Tottenham Hotspur manager             called into gaffers office and he
      wanting me to go and have a trial     said he had been sacked and
      but I had already signed forms        many players had to leave and I               the club  will be playing Isthmian  Improvements on and off the
      at Swindon Town so since then I       was one of them. I then returned              Premier football within 4 years.      pitch?
      have followed the Spurs.              home and had spells at Leather-                                                     I would love to see some work
                                            head Kingstonians and Hampton                 High & low points of the sea-         done on walk-ways and steps to
      Why RPV? Since Reece has              before getting a bad knee injury              son?                                  make them a bit safer but I know
      joined I have had more time to        and that ended my playing days                Even though myself and Wazza          it’s all about money to do these
      watch games and to see some  of       at the age of 24. I am now a gen-             have only been here mid-season        things at the end of the day. On
      his old team mates from the AFC       eral manager for a Sunday senior              was the great run in The Vase         the pitch I would like to see the
      Wimbledon days and of course          side Alfletico Madrid which can               and to see so many supporters at   commitment the lads have had
      his new team mates. To see a          be very challenging but love it.              these games which the players         most of the time and hopefully
      group of  players and manage-         My job is a field technician for              and club deserved. A low point-       all stick together for next year
      ment who seem to get on well          Virgin Media installing and ser-              was losing at home to Stansfeld       and if that happens I believe pro-
      being close as team mates and         vicing equipment.                                 a game we all know we could       motion will happen for RPV.
      friends is really pleasing to see.                                                  have won. Also drawing too many
      RPV? The staff involved and           What would you like to see                    games gets frustrating because        Any change of tactics you’d
      supporters of the club who have       next season?  I would love to                 we could have easily won some         like to see? Hard to comment
      made us so welcome and it’s a         see this  group stick together and            of them and RPV would be look-        on unless you are  part of the
      pleasure to be a part of it. May it   give it a big push next season. I             ing at promotion.                                           Continued...
      continue -  great characters.         believe strongly if this happens

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