Page 18 - Raynes Park Vale vs Sheerwater
P. 18
Raynes Park Community Raynes Park Events
Christmas Craft at Raynes Park Library
Ages 6-12 Dec 21st
About this event
It's the most wonderful time
of the year! Come and join the
celebrations by creating some
wonderful Christmas decorations
with our expert crafters!
Raynes Park Vale aren't just a fantastic football club to watch Please book a ticket just for an
and to follow - they are part of the community and here at adult person, children don’t need
'Into The Vale' we want to celebrate that with views, news and to. You may bring a maximum of 3
reviews of the things that make Raynes Park such a great place children to the event.
to live.
Please note that to respect the privacy of families, we ask that no photos or
So, if you have a business, an event, a charity or a community video are taken at any of our children’s events. It’s very likely that another child
project that you think should be known more widely in the will be in the picture/shot. Thank you for your co-operation.
community and you want to reach hundreds of new people
through your local football club then let us know. Got a school Location Date and time
fair? fund raising event? charity collection drive? Write to us at Raynes Park Library Tue, 21 December 2021 and start getting your message out there!
21 Approach Road 15:00 – 16:00 GMT
London, SW20 8BA
Click on the green button Register
to register for this event
through Eventbrite.
Organiser Merton Libraries
Organiser of Raynes Park Library Christmas Craft
Merton Libraries offer a wide range of services that promote reading
development, health, lifelong learning and community cohesion in a
fun, welcoming and friendly environment.