Page 27 - Raynes Park Vale vs Sheerwater
P. 27

Match Report  ior slotted into the bottom right at the  ers and it was about to get worse. With

      Grand Drive end and added notch No.  all three subs committed by B&L man-
      21 to his tally.                      ager Fawzi Saadi in an attempt to close
 RAYNES PARK VALE 6          A neat finish  the gates and put some momentum into
 BLACKFIELD & LANGLEY 2  The second goal shocked Blackfield and  their attack Stephen Hodder in the B&L
      Langley into action and they started to  goal  had  been  receiving  treatment  for
      show the quality and spirit that has con-  a persistent injury throughout the 2nd
    CCL • Saturday 20th November 2021 • Grand Drive, Raynes Park  tributed to their season so far. Whether  half and with about twenty minutes to

 Raynes Park Vale Ease Into The Next Round  Vale were deliberately sitting back or  go signalled to the bench that his after-
      were just getting too comfortable was  noon was over – a cruel twist for a team
 Coming back to Grand Drive after the   unclear  but as  the Wessex men  started  that had really put great effort into their
 debacle that ended the league game   to shift through the gears Vale found  football. As Hodder was applauded off
 against AFC Croydon (still being adjudi-  themselves absorbing pressure until,  the pitch it fell to B&Ls No.5 to swap jer-
 cated on by the FA) felt nervy. The scenes   mere seconds from the half-time whis-  sey and don the gloves for the remainder
 that flared up after last week’s game   tle, some lovely, crisp interplay from the  of the game.
 meant that a suitably chastened but defi-  Vale right saw Seanan McKillop showing   Slotted away RPV’s 6th
 ant Josh Gallagher who became involved   the new boys how the RPV originals can  With fifteen minutes to go Rafa Ramos
 when defending RPV players from a bar-  put them away with a neat finish that saw  finally  got  the  breakthrough  B&L  had
 rage of punches had a diminished squad   the teams go in to the break with a very  been fighting for with an exquisite shot
 to select from. James Smith was called   respectable 3-0 scoreline.  from the left of the Vale box that left
 back into 1st team action from RPV Re-  Keep the game alive  James Smith – who had been having a
 serves to fill Billy Bishops considerable   After the break the game settled down  great game – little chance. 5-1, Vale. Less
 boots between the sticks while others   into more familiar territory for the first  than 10 minutes later and a clear penalty
 were called upon to start.  thirty minutes with B&L still looking  gave the visitors another chance to score
 Some mixed results  for  the  breakthrough  that  they  needed  – and one that Sami Makhloufi wasn’t
 Blackfield & Langley arrived off the back   to  keep  the  game  alive.  Unfortunate-  going to waste. A neat shot from the spot
 of a 6-1 drubbing of Cowes Sports in  off the near post. The resulting ball was   ly for the men in Green and White the  and B&L were still determined to show
 the Wessex Football League and a sea-  collected as it spun into midfield, was   next goal came from Vale’s No. 17, Brad  South London what they were made of.
 son that has seen some mixed results for  lofted in to the opposition area where it   Sweeney who put it away for his 6th of  Sadly for the Wessexers it was a matter
 The Watersiders but who were still clear-  was expertly brought under control by   the season. RPV 4 – B&L 0.   of too-little-too-late and with the whis-
 ly contenders in the Vase and were sat  Seanan McKillop. The  inevitable  shot     Jordan Gallagher tucked away  tle practically at referee Andreas Ana-
 comfortably at 9th in their league.  was well-stopped by Hodder in the B&L   There was a feeling of inevitability in the  stasiou’s lips, Nes Bellikli heroically held
   A good contingent of B&L fans added to  goal who failed to hang on and a ruth-  air now and that feeling was reinforced  off the B&L defence and calmly laid off
 a great atmosphere at RPV and with Vale  less Jordan Gallagher instantly pounced   less than five minutes later when – who  a ball to Cal Davies who slotted away
 playing down the slope play got under-  on the loose ball to put Raynes Park one   else? – Jordan Gallagher tucked away to  RPV’s 6th and final goal for the day. Fi-
 way. Within five minutes it became clear  up with his 20th goal of the season. The   put RPV 5-0 up.   nal score: Raynes Park Vale 6 – Black-
 that this was going to be no stroll in the  home crowd had hardly got their gloves   Bad day at the office  field & Langley 2
 park for the visitors. A free kick to RPV  back on on the chilliest afternoon of   The visit to Raynes Park was turning into
 on the edge of the B&L box ricocheted  the season so far before Gallagher jun-  a bad day at the office for The Watersid-                         Match report: E.I. Addio
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