Page 13 - Larkfield & New Hythe Wanderers 21-22 Season
P. 13

Southern Counties East   Bridon  Ropes  F.C. began life as a  In 2011 they became founder mem-

      factory team back in 1935. It was  bers  of  the  Kent  Invicta  Football
 Football League  founded by workers at the Brit-  League. This  League  was eventually
                                            amalgamated with the Kent League
      ish Ropes Works in Charlton, Lon-
      don, and unsurprisingly became  which now has 2 divisions. The Kent
      known as British Ropes F.C.           Invicta League teams formed the new
 he Southern Counties East  Therefore   In the early days we played in vari-  Div 1 of this League
 TFootball League is an English  the South-  ous local leagues with home match-
 football league for teams based in  ern Counties   es being played at our home ground
 Kent and the South East, which was  East Football   within  the  factory  grounds  until
 established  in  1966.  Until  2013  it  league now op-  eventually joining the South London
 was known as the Kent League.  erates two Divisions. The Premier Divi-  Amateur League.
 sion is at Step 5 of the Non -League Pyr-  View the Chessington & Hook United website for
            London Spartan League
 The first Kent League was formed in  amid with the First Division at Step 6.   Several years later we found our-
           updates on News, Teams, Information and Contacts
 1894 and folded in 1959. Despite many  The promoted teams from the Premier   selves  playing  in  the  Greater  Lon-
 of the same clubs having spells in mem- will enter the Isthmian League at Step 4   don League which they left in1975
 bership, there is no direct connection  with relegated teams from the First Di-  to join the  London Spartan League
 between the two competitions.  vision likely to enter the Kent County   still under the name of British Ropes
 League at Step 7.  but in 1990 the Factory changed its
 The current incarnation of the league   name to Bridon Ropes and the foot-
 was formed in 1966 as the Kent Pre- Like was the case for most all of the   ball  club  changed its name to  Bri-
 mier League (changing to Kent Football  leagues at our level, the 2019-20 and   don Sports.    They then won Division
 League in 1968), and in its early years  2020-21 Seasons were both abandoned   Two of the Spartan League in 1991–
 many of its members were reserve sides  due to the Worldwide Covid-19 pan-  92 and the London Junior Cup.  In
 of  Southern  League  teams.  Gradually,  demic. The 2019-20 season was approx-  1992 the club changed its name to the
 the reserve sides were all shifted down  imately 75%  completed but was  made   current Bridon Ropes FC.
 into the lower divisions.  null and void. The 2020-21 Season was   Joined the Kent County League
 only around 25% through and was cur-  In 1997 they became founder mem-
 In 2013 the league changed its name to  tailed.  bers of the Spartan South Midlands
 the Southern Counties East League, to   Football League Division  Div One
 reflect the fact that not all of its member   South. However, they left the league
 clubs played within the county of Kent.  the following season to become
      founder members of the London In-
 At the end of the 2015–16 season, the   termediate League. Bridon Ropes lat-
 league merged with the recently formed   er joined the Kent County League Di-
 Kent Invicta League and the latter be-  vision One and became Champions
 came the lower division of the merged   in the 2009 season, achieving promo-
                      @CHUFC - Twitter
 league.  tion to the Premier Division.
          Kent Invicta Football League
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