P. 4

e are pleased to announce the ap-
           Wpointment of our new 1st team man-
           ager Glen Nichols. We are thrilled to have
           Glen on board in this role. He will prove to
           be a great asset with his vast knowledge of
           the game, previous experience and UEFA

           A massive thank you and a Happy New Year to everyone working
           behind the scenes at the club, especially the Chessington & Hook
           United Committee, who without their dedication and hard work
           throughout the season the club would not be able to function.

           Today we play host to Tooting Bec at ‘The Lane’ and a warm
           welcome awaits their players, officials and supporters.

             chessington & Hook United

                            versus tooting bec

                             28th of December

                                Kick-off 3pm

             Not forgetting today’s officials: Referee: Lucy cLARK
            with assistants: Roger WeLLS and Keith SLAUgHteR

          Have an enjoyable stay at ‘The Lane’ and a safe journey home...

                     COME ON YOU BLUES!
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