Page 3 - RPVFC vs Alton FC
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      Raynes Park Vale FC was   The new club immediately
      formed in 1995 following the   joined the Combined Counties
      merger of Raynes Park and   Football League and currently
      Malden Vale (formed 1967) but   play in the league’s Premier
      the club’s true origins lie in the   League, Tier 9 in the national
      Southern Railway Football Sec-  league pyramid. Their best
      tion when the first local team   finish was in 1997–98 when they   RAYNES PARK VALE F.C
      started. Although a victim of the   finished in fourth place at tier 9.
      1963 Beeching spending cuts   They have participated in both   Grand Drive | Raynes Park
      the club had some early suc-  national Cup competitions apart   Greater London | SW20 9DZ
      cesses in the 1932/33 Middlesex   from a brief period at the start
      League and some cup victories   of the 2000s. The club’s reserve   STAFF DIRECTORY
      to earn the Railway Athletic As-  team won the Combined Coun-
      sociation Cup and the Southern   ties Reserve League in 2002–03   Chairman: John Dalton
      Railways Orphanage Cup.  and 2005–06 before it joined the   Secretary: Paul Armour
      The Southern Railway club   Suburban League for the 2006–
      reformed, post-Beeching, as   07 season. The reserve team   General Manager: Marc Skinner
      Raynes Park FC in 1964. RPFC’s   was disbanded for financial rea-  Operations Manager: Helen Dalton
      home colours of black and red   sons before rejoining the com-
      stripes are now proudly reflect-  bined counties reserve league   1st Team Manager: Josh Gallagher
      ed in the colours of the Raynes   for the 2011-12 season under   Club Photographer Karl Lang
      Park Vale FC team. Raynes Park   the management of Terry Tuvey.
      FC fielded five senior teams   In the 2012-13 season the   Marketing/Programme Editor:
      with two playing in the Surrey   reserves achieved the league &   Mark Ferrari
      Premier League and a third   cup double. The cup being won   All editorial content and design copyright
      in the Surrey South-Eastern   with a 2-0 win against Worces-  Mark Ferrari unless listed otherwise.
      Combination.            ter Park Reserves in the final.
      In the meantime local team   The Reserves also won the fair
      Malden Vale FC were enjoying   Play award in both 2011/12 &   ZERO TOLERANCE TO
      some success in a variety of   2012/13, the 1st team winning   DISCRIMINATION
      leagues that existed between   the Premier award in 2011//12.   Raynes Park Vale Football Club is
      1967 and 1995 including the   The Combined Counties League   committed to identify, confront and
      North Surrey Youth League,   took the decision to disband   eliminate discrimination, whether
      Sunday Sportsman League,   the reserve league at the end of   by reason of race, colour, nation-
      South Thameside League & the   the 2012/13 season so for the   ality, religion or belief, sex, sexual
      Surrey Combination League   2013/14 season they re-joined   orientation, marital or civil partner
      and London Spartan League   the Suburban League. Midway   status, age, ethnic and national
      before emerging into the newly   through 2013/14 Lee Dobinson
      formed Combined Counties   stepped down as 1st Team   origin, pregnancy or maternity,
      League winning that league’s   Manager to take over as Club   disability or gender reassignment.
      title at the first attempt.  Chairman from Fred Stevens.   The club intends to ensure that
      A runners-up position in the   Former AFC Wimbledon Player   everyone who wishes to engage
      Dan Air League (with BAE   Gavin Bolger stepped up to   with the club, whether as matchday
      Weybridge snagging the top   take over as 1st team Manager.   fans, staff, players, board members,
      spot) saw the club promoted to   Gavin Bolger played 107 times   and any other person engaged
      the Diadora League Division 2   for AFC Wimbledon from 2002   with the club’s activities, has a real
      South where they remained un-  to May 2005 scoring 27 goals   and equal opportunity to do so.
      til the end of the 1993/94 season   from midfield.
      when managers Mick Brown   The 2019/20 season saw some   @RPVFC
      & Ged Murphy left the club to   major changes in the organi-
      join Hendon. Much of the squad   sation and management of the   @RPVFC
      followed and the team finished   club with local businessman
      bottom the following season.In   and supporter John Dalton   RAYNESPARKVALE.COM
      1995 the two clubs, Malden Vale   becoming Chairman and Josh
      and Raynes Park FC merged to   Gallagher replacing Gavin
      create the club we now know:   Bolger as manager at the start
      Raynes Park Vale F.C.   of  the 20/21 season.

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