Page 5 - Raynes Park Vale vs Sutton Common Rovers
P. 5
From the
most teams in this division?!
DUGOUT Winning games is what’s we
set out to do every single
week but certainly with the
focus that our individual and
collective performances are
ANT PANAYI to a high standard.
I think you can all agree that
those things have gone hand
Our visitors today, SCR are
in hand and everyone who
going to be a well organised
has been a part of the squad
side put together by one of
this season has stepped
best managers in the division
up their game and as a
so we are certainly in for a
consequence we are winning
good game this afternoon.
games of football.
We come into the game in
good form, with an almost It’s been great to see many
fully fit squad to choose from more new faces over recent
ourselves and we know that weeks combined with the
on our day if we are at it then loyal supports too which has
we have a great chance of 3 created a great atmosphere
FIRSTLY FROM MYSELF points. in these home games
AND THE REST OF THE which has made a massive
GROUP WE ARE HOPING This season our aim as a difference as always.
THAT EVERYONE HAD A management team was
GREAT CHRISTMAS WITH purely to get an extra 5-10% The team certainly play up to
LOVED ONES. out of the playing squad. We a crowed so we hope you can
know what we have from last continue to join our journey
Boxing Day is a little bit of season can win games and this season.
an usual day for a game of ultimately compete but our
Wishing you all a very merry
football for us at Grand Drive work will be fully focused on
Christmas and a big 3 points
but we are very much hoping the players development.
to start what is going to be I have heard a lot recently
a strong run of games with about us being ‘favourites’
a win. or ‘looking to compete’ but
surly that’s the same for Ant Panayi
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