Page 15 - RPVFC v Northwood 14.10.23 Result 1:0
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 RAYNES PARK VALE  23|24                                             UP THE VALE

 MEET THE  they wanted to get the best   I’ve played under a few   Jermaine
 out of me as a player. I was
       managers in my career.
 PLAYER  win the league, and get the   out being that, he’s always   Green
 an addition to helping them
       However, Gaffer stands
       under control no matter the
 promotion we knew we
       circumstances - if there’s a
       problem he’ll find a solution. I’ll
 Has your brother met
       rarely second guess any of his
       seasons results he knows what
 Yes, I believe he has met
 Jermaine Green  Stormzy yet??!   decisions, given that from last
       he’s doing and what’s best for
 Stormzy on a few occasions,
 Nahum’s a fan boy at heart.   us a team. Not forgetting that
 How is your season going   but the boys and I do look at   You won best young player   he’s also a laugh off the pitch
       and always keeps the team
 so far?   these as small bumps in the road  at the 22/23 season awards
 and know full well we will bounce  last season – what was that   positive.
 It has started off well. I’m happy   back. In terms of mood nothing’s  like?   You’re known as Mr. 100%
 with the impact I’ve made so far   changed, spirits are still high.   because of how you always
 - I’ve still got lots more to come.   I don’t believe they are better   It was a very rewarding feeling,   give your all on the pitch.
 Also, very happy with the position   overall. We had some mishaps   knowing that in my first season   Where does that come
 we are in as a team, at the  which unfortunately led to defeat,  at RPV I had made an impact   from? Are you conscious
 moment, considering it’s a new   but will  only motivate us more to   the way I had, and it had been   of that need to deliver to
 league and I haven’t met many of   do better next time.   noticed by others. Always a   the max or does it comes
 these clubs before.   automatically?
 We know a lot of the guys   nice reminder of the season
 You’ve become a very   are keen golfers – what’s   we had when walking past the
 popular player amongst the   your distraction when you’re  photo on my wall.   From young I’ve been taught,
 fans – do you sense that   not playing or training?  these not point in doing
 when you’re playing?   You always seem like a   something if you’re not giving
 pretty flexible player on the
 Outside of football, I tend to be   it’s 100%. To add to that,
 It’s a very nice feeling being   right – what do you prefer   seeing Gaffer put in so much
 working a lot of the time and
 noticed by the fans, knowing   right-wing or wing back?  work behind the scenes, it’s
 doing renovations (Instagram:
 I have support on and off the
 @greenrenovations) as well as   I like both equally, but right   only right to match his work
 pitch. It gives me motivation   rate and give him the same
 and tells me I must be doing   taking time for myself, enjoying  wing allows me to express
 family time and learning new   myself. However, wing back   amount he gives us.
 something right.
 carpentry skills.  lets me defend and cook my   Did you manage to get a
 The last couple of games   break over the summer for a
 have seen a small shudder   Your brother, Nahum, is still   opposition.   holiday?? Where do you like
 to the Raynes Park   playing at Croydon Athletic   There’s no question that
 rollercoaster – what’s the   and you were there when   Josh Gallagher knows what   to get away to?
 mood in the camp after   there was a spot of bother    he’s doing on the pitch and
 these minor setbacks? How   in the 2021/22 fixture at   the fans love him, of course,   Just after promotion I
 do you see it? Were Marlow   Grand Drive. Did that affect   but how do you find working   managed to take a trip to
 and Badshot just better or   how you felt about joining   with the gaffer? How   Cyprus to celebrate our
 do you see areas where Vale   RPV?  does he differ from other   success as well as my birthday.
 need to tighten up?  managers you have played   What’s a typical Jermaine
  No it didn’t. I could tell deep   under?
 Of course, there’s going to be   down RPV had high hopes   Green pre-match tune?
 ups and downs in a football club,   for me, and it felt as though
       Slow Jamz - Kayne West.
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