Page 26 - RPVFC v Northwood 14.10.23 Result 1:0
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                                                                                           RESPECT STATEMENT

                                                                                                                    domestic-partnership status,   With our focus on positivity, The
                                                                                                                    disability, sexual orientation, or   Isthmian League aims to ensure
                                                                                                                    gender identity or expression,   that all our footballers are able
                                                                                                                    will not be tolerated and will   to play in a safe, supportive
                                                                                                                    be reported to the relevant   and inclusive environment and
                                                                                                                    authorities.            all supporters can enjoy the
                                                                                           The Isthmian Football League                     game in surroundings free from
                                                                                           strongly supports the Football   The Isthmian League and our   discrimination and hate.
                                                                                           Association’s statement that   Member Clubs are committed to
                                                                                           there should be a zero-tolerance   promoting equity and equality
                                                                                           approach against all forms of   by treating all people fairly and
                                                                                           discrimination.          with respect, by recognising
                                                                                                                    that inequalities may exist, by
                                                                                           Any inappropriate conduct   taking steps to address them
                                                                                           toward others, including but   and providing access and
                                                                                           not limited to that based on an   opportunities for all members of
                                                                                           individual’s sex, race, colour,   our communities.
                                                                                           weight, size, religion and belief,
                                                                                           national origin, age, marital or

                                                                                               Robert Holmes & Company is an independent estate

                                                                                                 agents in Wimbledon specialising in residential and
                                                                                                commercial sales, lettings and property management.

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