Page 3 - RPVFC v AFC Croydon Athletic
P. 3
CLUB HISTORY Chairman's Notes
Raynes Park Vale FC was formed in
1995 following the merger of Raynes
ith a 2-3 win against Erith son has been a
Park and Malden Vale (formed 1967).
W& Belvedere in the FA cause for con-
Raynes Park FC used to be based Cup and a 0-4 victory against cern and we have
at Taunton Avenue, SW20 at the Sheerwater in the opening league now put in meas-
Raynes Park Recreation Group until match of the season, we couldn't ures to try and
the 1995/96 merger. Raynes Park FC have hoped for a better start, but solve the prob-
was originally the Southern Railways Grand Drive rest assured we won't be resting lem. Bookings
Football Section (formed 1928) and Raynes Park on our laurels and we know the and red cards for
were known as Southern Railway until Greater London
team have to be on their game to dissent will now result in fines for
they changed name to Raynes Park SW20 9DZ
maintain the momentum. the players concerned. We realise
FC in 1964. The Southern Railway This evening's opponents AFC some of the decisions the officials
Team was a victim of the notorious STAFF DIRECTORY Croydon Athletic will be looking make can be contentious, but they
1963 Beeching spending cuts, a Chairman: John Dalton
national review into modernising to build on their opening win of are never going to revoke a deci-
Secretary: Paul Armour the season against Banstead Ath- sion, and calling officials idiots
the UK's railways. Southern Railways
General Manager: Marc Skinner
1950's home kit was Gold and Green letic and we know they are capa- and worse will never make them
Operations Manager: Helen Dalton
quarters, the company colours. ble of causing an upset. overturn a decision. We accept
Team Manager: Josh Gallagher
Raynes Park FC home shirt colours rash challenges and late tackles
Programme Editor: Mark Ferrari Strengthened squad
were Red and Black stripes (similar will result in bookings and send-
to AC Milan). Another home kit was Finishing third in the table last ings-off, but being sent off for
light blue shirts and white shorts. season means we are favourites dissent is avoidable and ultimate-
Raynes Park FC ran five senior teams Raynes Park Vale v Erith & Belvedere to gain promotion this time, and ly could cost us points.
on Saturdays. The 1st and 2nd
although adding to the pressure
XI's played in the Surrey Premier
to win every game, we know As ever, we extend a warm wel-
League. The 3rd team played
psychologically this works in our come to our guests, AFC Croy-
in the Surrey South Eastern
favour with teams expecting to don Athletic and I look forward
Combination while the 4ths and
lose against us. With a strength- to meeting as many of you as
5ths played in the Kingston and
ened squad this season, we are possible.
District League. They also ran an
confident we'll be among the Up The Vale!!
over 35's team and youth teams
aged 14 to 18. contenders for promotion. New
experienced players and proven John Dalton, Chairman, RPVFC
Source: Former RPV FC President, goalscorers such as Charlie Pen-
Robert Hallett Senior, who was ny and Aaron Watson have given
instrumental in the formation of both the team more depth to see us
the Rayes Park and Raynes Park Vale
through the season.
football clubs.
Our disciplinary record last sea-