Page 5 - Raynes Park Vale vs Farnham Town
P. 5

Continued from previous page...
 Elsewhere at RPV we have new floodlights, at last (more on this else-
 where in ITV) and, like many other clubs, we felt the full force of
 Franklin and Eunice over the last ten days. Given that the last windy
 night here at Grand Drive brought down our fibre connections  and
 knocked out our broadband, in-bar TV and telephones (and exposed,
 in the process, the nightmare that is engaging with BT/OpenReach!)
 and that our new lights were barely set in the ground there was a lot of
 unease as the weather maps showed spirals of wind and cloud heading
 our way. Luckily, here at RPV we, yet again, turned to General Manag-
 er, Marc Skinner to work miracles and, as usual he didn’t let us down,
 securing what looked at risk and repairing anything that got damaged
 and/or blown down! Another Vale legend!! Thanks Mark!
 We’re hoping that Merton’s mayor will be on hand to officially turn
 on the new  floodlights at our first evening fixture to celebrate and to
 cement our position as a Merton sporting institution. In the top cor-
 ner of Grand Drive, by the turnstiles, you will notice a big demolition/
 clearance operation going on. In our efforts to make a visit to Raynes
 Park Vale more pleasant for players and officials this work is the start
 of  the plan to open up the space for the new officials’ changing rooms
 and open the opportunity to make good on a long-term promise to give
 home and visiting teams improved facilities. You will find more infor-
 mation on all the goings-on around The Vale within this programme
 and around the ground but,  rest assured, improvements are coming
 thick and fast.  John Dalton

 Raynes Park Vale F.C.
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